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Everything posted by BrianW

  1. Some low 60's in SW CT already. My van just said it was 63 driving on 95.
  2. I'm on the CT shoreline and have a cabin in NW NJ. Both areas have had an insane amount of precipitation the last year. I expect this spring for the same area to jackpot as it has the last year.
  3. Wonder how accurate of a trajectory they could get. I bet people are going to start searching for fragments. Meteorites sell for big money if I remember correctly.
  4. Looks like the BTV airport camera caught the meteor. https://m.imgur.com/1AqNCIa
  5. Hope everyone is ready for our favorite Canadian friends. Huge flocks of them just showed up Weds on the shoreline. Still out there today.
  6. Get there if you can. I went 4 years ago and it was a quick flight from NYC. I think it's actually less flight time than flying to the west cost. What's incredible there is everything is geothermal. The power is like practically free and they send all the waste heat from the power plants to heat homes. Every person I asked said you basically just pay for maintenance on pipes and wires. They said it cost the equivalent of like $40 month for their heat and electricity.
  7. Yeah he's told me some stories where like 5 miles of lines are like completely destroyed and only serve like 2 houses. He did say its like the top pick for lineman when they get sent out of state. Beautiful scenery and the people there are really nice to them and bring them food, drinks, etc. They deal with some terrible people here in CT and other states during outages. These guys work 16 hour straight shifts in bad weather dealing with deadly electricity to try and get your power back on. Though I would imagine most have generators there and are use to outages. Is losing power for like over a week common?
  8. Whats up with Maine and power outages? I am guessing lots of rural areas and trees? My neighbor is a lineman for Eversource here in CT and he is sent to Maine all the time to help with restoration work. I saw him yesterday and he was being sent up there to do 5 days of 16 on 8 off. He loves it though as he is on the clock the second he gets in the truck. The out of state work is a goldmine for lineman. He said they get paid their regular rate of $52 an hour even when sleeping in the hotel and double time when actually working.
  9. A lot of gypsy diseased oaks coming down in Tolland....
  10. People are under the impression that everyone can get it. Some people appear to be completely immune to it. There are tons of studies on genetics and t-cell immunity playing a huge part. I can't tell you how many people I know that were living with someone that had symptoms and never got it. My wife has had the flu several times and I have never had the flu in my life. Same thing.
  11. I would move it back to the first hole and clean up all the governor linkages including the top one. Spray them with carb cleaner. Get all the linkages on the outside of the carb as well. Its extremely common for those linkages to get all gummed up and siezed. All that heat and dust causes them to stick. It looks like it has a throttle cable? Does that not adjust the engine speed?
  12. You ever do one of those dog DNA test? I ordered a wisdom panel dna kit and just got it yesterday. Will be cool to see what our rescue is. The vet thinks he is Dachshund and Chihuahua.
  13. Already 42 on the shoreline near New Haven. 50s are probably a sure bet.
  14. Huge issue in CT. Our previous governor made any juvenile crime basically exempt from punishment. He closed every juvenile facility and made it so assault, robbery, auto theft, and gun possession gets you released to your parents because your under 18 and a juvenile. Add in the no chase policy for police and kids under 18 can do what they want with zero repercussions. This has become a massive issue in the suburbs outside CT cities. Armed teenage kids from New Haven stealing cars and driving around neighborhoods is common here.
  15. Sun is out in Stamford and my van says its 53.
  16. Yeah. Was reading a reddit thread about it this morning. The amount of water pipes bursting is insane. Almost 5 million without power. Saw a drone video at night and the entire city was pitch black. People were burning furniture or whatever they had outside to try and stay warm.
  17. What a mess in Texas with the electric grid. The spot price of wholesale electricity on the Texas power grid spiked more than 10,000% on Monday amid a deep freeze across the state and rolling outages among power producers, according to data on the grid operator's website. Real-time wholesale market prices on the power grid operated by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) were more than $9,000 per megawatt hour late Monday morning, compared with pre-storm prices of less than $50 per megawatt hour, according to ERCOT data. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-electricity-texas-prices-idUSKBN2AF19A
  18. 2.8 million without power in Texas. Crazy how much the demand outstrips supply. Look at the green line for the forecasted demand this afternoon and evening.
  19. I thought they ended that. People were using the service dog emotional support loophole. The last time we flew we sat next to a girl that had a cat on her lap. My wife has severe allergies to cats and it sucked.
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