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Posts posted by DavisStraight

  1. 7 minutes ago, WinterWolf said:

    You’ve been in the crosshairs of late. Good for you. Nothing here…tough being left out. You’ll be able to ride from home if this pounds you guys. 

    We were gonna leave tomorrow morning for St Agatha, but decided to push it out to Friday morning, to better take advantage of the big dump up In Aroostook of 12-18”. We should have superb conditions Friday-Tuesday. Looking forward to it. 

    How deep is the pack up there Wolfie?

  2. 5 hours ago, weathafella said:

    My total yesterday ending around 8pm was 3.5”.   But the impact seems much higher.   Today looking outside has the look of deep winter.   The only pita is the fact that it was too little to snow blow and it wasn’t easy shoveling.   But I went to bed (at 3AM) tired and happy.

    I hate the tweeners, I'd rather get 20 inches and clean it all up in one shot.

  3. 34 minutes ago, MarkO said:

    The trip back to Lowell yesterday afternoon was harrowing. What normally takes 90 minutes took nearly 3 hours. At least a 1/2 dozen cars off the road. Webcam shows it was a little windy towards the end of the storm, but looks like I got that final 1/2" to bring my total to 10". Hopefully we don't end with too much rain Thursday. 

    I was on 395 when the heavy snow hit, lucky it was at a time when there wasn't much traffic, but it was greasy.

  4. 22 minutes ago, ineedsnow said:

    went from Agawam to Belchertown  then Templeton moving up :snowing:

    Back in I think 2003-04 winter which was pretty good here, maybe a two Foot pack in March, we had a March storm with a few inches that changed to sleet rain but north of Worcester was all snow. I had an appt in Templeton, they had a 5-foot pack after the last storm. Deepest snow I've ever seen. Snow was so deep I couldn't walk around the house I was inspecting. The roads were like tunnels, couldn't see at intersections. Great year in Northern Worcester County.

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