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Everything posted by pondo1000

  1. For east coast for sure. Not sure about for us yet.
  2. Absolutely pouring snow in Powell right now. Snow globe. Ground covered including the street.
  3. Always appreciate your knowledge & insight in LAMENS terms. Thank you!!!
  4. Christmas miracle! So rare to get actual snow like this on Christmas Eve/Day! Enjoy! Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
  5. LOL. With the front. I’m not expecting more than a few flurries/snow showers
  6. Just seems to be the trend for the last several years when there’s a chance for anything. So bad.
  7. U ain’t kidding. One time, just one time, a little Christmas miracle please! LOL
  8. I could live with 2-3 for xmas & some sledding w/ the kids the days after.
  9. Cool. I work with someone from Plain City. Here’s hoping for a westward jog. LOL
  10. You are in Marysville right? I’m in Powell so a tad southeast of you.
  11. Trending west with the storm b/c up to this point been too far east no?
  12. The light stuff in Indy popping up going to survive the trip out here?
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