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Everything posted by tamarack

  1. 90 on the 25th??? I checked CLIMOD and the max that day was the 3rd consecutive 49.
  2. 0.36" RA thru 8 this morning then 0.04"/0.2" SN from then thru 9:30. During that 1.5 hr had 30 minutes of nice (wet) feathers trying to stick.
  3. True, but they got there by vastly different routes. 2010 was the tortoise, 2012 the hare. At my place: 2010 2012 Departure +7.4 +6.8 Top day dept +16 +27 Max temp 64 80 Min temp 11 -10 Days BN 3 11 Precip 6.44" 1.85" Snow 0.6" 14.6" IMO, "Jr 2012" should have multiple days with 70-75, here, not BDL.
  4. Probably not a coincidence that 104F is 40C.
  5. Last 3 days have dragged my month average from +11.3 down to a frigid +9.8.
  6. I inherited my dad's Ranger in 1994 and those rigs (1992 Ranger, 2004 Mazda, 2011 Ranger) been my commuter/work vehicle ever since, over 400k total miles. Only carries 1/4 cord of wood but I rarely have to transport the stuff more than a mile usually much less. Only 2WDs but I've found that if I can get up my driveway, I'll make it over Mile Hill, which climbs ~300' over that mile and has a sharp curve at the bottom to inhibit a fast-running start.
  7. That's +9.6. I've at +10.0 here, but 8 of the 12 days have been cloudy, we've had 4.08" of (mostly) rain and a lot of windy days (including today's mostly sunny). Kinda cuts into the warm feeling, but then early March climo is still winter here.
  8. We reached 36" on March 4 at the end of that day's 12" dump. Still had 24" on today's date (4" this year) and it rose to 28" from our share of the paste bomb. Our tiny share of the real event was getting 4.5" in 90 minutes as the sun was setting.
  9. 2010 was 0.64° milder than 2012 here, due mostly to consistent AN but no big heat. Other than being way AN for temp, the months were radically different, and this month (one BN day, the 1st, over 4" precip and tiny snow) is looking far more like 2010. 2010 extremes: 64/11 2012: 80/-10 (That 90° range is tops for any month I've measured. 2nd place is Jan 1979 in Fort Kent with 40/-47.) 2010 had 3 days with BN temps; 2012 had 11. 2010 had 13 days with temps 10+ AN; 2012 had 12. 2010 had 6.44" precip and 0.6" snow; 2012 was 1.85" and 14.6" snow.
  10. Most adaptable large animal in North America - they've been seen living in downtown LA and it wouldn't surprise me to hear of them in Manhattan. They've been in Maine for 90+ years.
  11. Looks like longitude (and elevation) was far more important than latitude for this event. Aroostook had little more than flurries. The only Maine site I saw that had more than 4-5" was Andover, though I've not seen the ski area totals - SR/SBk/SL probably had 10+.
  12. 7-8° AN here, may pull the month down to an even +10.
  13. 3 PM readings BOSTON PTSUNNY 45 31 58 NW22G41 29.41R WORCESTER CLOUDY 36 21 54 W26G45 29.45R NANTUCKET CLOUDY 46 27 47 W25G44 29.40R PROVIDENCE PTSUNNY 41 23 48 NW23G41 29.49R HARTFORD MOSUNNY 45 21 38 NW25G43 29.56F ALBANY MOSUNNY 44 20 38 W28G43 29.64S NEW YORK CITY MOSUNNY 50 16 25 NW25G37 29.67R
  14. Dec 18 cleaned out nearly all of them here, though it also created some replacements.
  15. Gusts into the 30s but that's no real news. Maybe it can shake out the fir top that's been lodged in an adjacent maple for 2 years, since the rest of that fir was blown apart by lightning. I was amazed to see it still there after the hours of 50+ gusts last Dec 18.
  16. Probably works well, but the bolded phrase would be very difficult for our critter.
  17. Last month, only 0.95" total, driest of 26 Februarys here. Typical upslope conditions this morning - zero flakes, 50% cloud cover, biting wind. I guess we can't have both big CAD and upslope.
  18. Late report: Our dog got skunked Saturday night from a critter near our back porch, maybe under it. First time for her. Fortunately, either the skunk shot only a small dose or the dog was missed by the worst, but it was bad enough. She came back tail under butt, very embarrassed. Then I further traumatized her by dragging her into the shower stall (she's mostly Lab but hates water) and scrubbed her using a dog-deodoring spray and warm water from a pot my wife had filled. Did not turn on the shower - dog would've been even more unhappy and I'd have been much wetter. Dog smells normal though there's still a bit of aroma in the house.
  19. Finished with 1.8" SN from 0.41" LE followed by 0.3" IP from 0.10" LE, then 1.02" cold RA that melted very little of the frozen, just saturated it.
  20. Changed to IP/RA about 7 AM, 1.8" with 0.41" LE, nice 4.4-to-1 ratio. Couldn't top Feb's biggest, 2.1" from 0.07", ratio 30:1. Lowest snow total from a warned storm since V-Day 2015.
  21. That was Dec 18 here, with the temp in the low 50s.
  22. The winter when BWI had 7" more snow than CAR, probably a rarer phenomenon than 1938.
  23. One map (GYX) has my locale sneaking into the 6-8 color while the next one we're 3-4". Both are upped from the morning map from GYX, and having seen only 4.3" in the past 6 weeks (average for the period: 30"), it's optimistic.
  24. Agreed. Can't do much about current disaster cost estimates, but at least the older events' costs should be indexed to the present. And maybe add 10% for each decade prior to, say, 1970, as the compilations are far more thorough nowadays. (probably won't happen, though)
  25. That (the bolded) is very generous; it was awful. Thru Jan 13 we'd had only 11" snow and 2 months of +8 temps. After that, temps ran 5° BN thru mid-April, including our 2nd coldest Feb, plus 84.3" snow, capped by 37.2" in April, including 18.5" on 4-5. Over the past 25 winters, snowfall has split almost exactly on the 1/31-2/1 divide, 49.9%/50.1%. 2005-06 is by far the most front-loaded (85/15) and 06-07 just the opposite (20/80).
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