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Everything posted by pawatch

  1. Every time I go outside I was thinking that. Mag you look in a pretty good spot. Hope everyone on the board gets a good hit!! Cash 0.13. 2.4”
  2. Picking up a dusting of snow up here tonight. Models are starting to trend a little better for us.
  3. I think I have blowed with 2”. No plow 300’ driveway. usually that small amount it will melt.
  4. Bub looks like we’re going to have the cold the next few days. Could you get some precipitation shipped in for us?
  5. Boy that sure fizzled...went from 4-6” to about 1” keep posting the maps appreciate it! Keep on tracking!! Snow gods aren’t looking down on us this winter. Nut my coal stoker is pretty clean. The secret is getting clean coal from the mines that has been washed.
  6. I actually got a stoker coal stove which burns rice coal. A lot less work.
  7. Nothing like wood heat on a cold morning. 11 degrees here this morning. weather app calling for 3-6” Thursday/Friday
  8. Phase or not to Phase, do we have blocking...So many variables. Never easy. I got faith in you guys. Put my big blower on my tractor yesterday.
  9. My brother who lives in Tennessee has more snow than I do for the season. How pathetic is that? My yard is so saturated, where you step on the grass it leaves a mud foot print. I’m glad for the colder weather. Even run the ac in my bedroom a couple nights this week. Hopefully we see snow Thursday/Friday.
  10. Midwest looking like 8-12” for the weekend. Moves East and avoids us.
  11. Bub it could be. Him and his wife are originally from Pa. Next Monday a high of 24. But is don’t look like any precipitation.
  12. My cousin lives up around Fairbanks. He said the beginning of the week they had a foot of snow and then and inch of rain. Which made for a mess. Now yesterday they got a foot of snow. He sais it has been pretty active up there. Mentioned it’s about time to clean the snow off his roof.
  13. Just started snowing up here. Not suppose to get much. I guess we will see.
  14. I got one for Christmas also. But my rain gauge needs tweaked a little, it’s not jiving with the rainfall. ”just a couple screw adjustments “
  15. Got a little snow overnight. Good Christmas Eve morning.
  16. Ha complain and look what I am getting. We we had a couple big fires up here overnight.
  17. Every year it’s the same old Possible storm December 8th timeline, disappears. Then maybe Christmas...Christmas now looks like a torch,yuck. Next thing you know now we’re into January. When we have cold there is no moisture and when there is moisture there is no cold. Love this place and all the posters that make this place great! Yesterday in 1959 we had 5:5” of snow. Everyone have a good Christmas week!
  18. Between my iPad and Linux on my desktop I haven’t run windows in years. Also haven’t had a virus in years. 23 degrees this morning.
  19. I was reading that in the NFL that some teams were testing unvaxxed players because the vaxxed was testing positive 2-1 They ended up getting in trouble. Think Browns was one of the teams. We are just under the fringe of a weather advisory this morning. “Freezing rain”
  20. Tomorrow morning we just miss out on a dusting of snow. Looks like we could also possibly get some freezing stuff.
  21. Interesting morning read. Between Cousins talk , serve weather in the Midwest. They had some really record strong winds yesterday. Snow seems blah here. Ugly model runs and temps in the 60’s today. Franklin is a great at recruiting, but lacking in the coaching department.
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