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Everything posted by pawatch

  1. I bought a new 2001 F150. Lasted 20 years till it finally rusted out. Used to tell people I haven’t had a truck payment in 15 years.
  2. Everyone be safe! Looks like things could get a little rough down around Harrisburg and further south.
  3. Well at least it’s not snow. I thought you would like that.
  4. Yesterday morning 34 degrees and frost. This morning 36 degrees. Don’t remember it being quit so chilly in May. But I’m sure it has but back to back days. Grass is growing, needing mowed about every 4 days.
  5. Rain total as of 7:00 am. 1.28” Stratus rain gauge. Not as bad as I thought overnight. Only 0.33”
  6. 3.50” for ipt edit: 2.25” ipt 7:44am currently doing what I will see for the next couple days.
  7. In the blink of an eye, time moves on. 41 years here in 2 weeks. Friday looks like we’re going to end up wearing rain gear. Almost going to need to mow my lawn today.
  8. Was looking into next week, Wednesday calling for wind gusts up to 45mph. Today windy and a few flurries. I give up I fired my stove back up. Sure feels a lot better a steady 70 degrees.
  9. Got up this morning the sun was shining and it was pouring down rain.
  10. Was out fishing yesterday. Fish wasn’t biting real good. But was a very nice day! Water temp 45.
  11. 36 degrees this morning. Crazy weather! Yesterday morning 2.5” of snow. After supper last night mowing grass. Seems like that’s a first.
  12. Grapple up here this morning, laid on the roads and roofs. Now the sun is trying to come out...Crazy weather.
  13. 27 this morning, frost on the windshield. Had some snow flurries yesterday.
  14. NWS sure is blowing Twitter up. Front come thru here, it was a little exciting. 1.79” of rain with some hail mixed in. Some 30 mph winds. Also thunder and lightning . Hope everyone makes out good with the storm.
  15. Was up in Nuts neck of the woods today. Tioga Mansfield to Liberty They was laying the salt brine down on the roadway this afternoon.
  16. 30 for the high yesterday. Average wind 15mph. 37 mph gust.
  17. 21 here this morning, windy with snow flurries. I guess not to many AC’s got turned on last night.
  18. Yesterday’s snow was a tough snow to clean. 2” of paste then fluffy stuff on top. Maybe toughest snow of this year. My snowblower kept plugging. Slushy snow froze solid this morning. After today more daylight, spring is around the corner.
  19. I ended up with 6” of snow. Was tough blowing , The bottom couple inches was like paste. The wind is picking up a little here now.
  20. 5” - heavy snow 9:45 am will work on pictures.
  21. 32 degrees fine flaked moderate snow. Laying on roadways. Edit: 2.5” 8:00am
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