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Everything posted by borderwx

  1. Great day in the back woods...
  2. 92F at 2 here, felt like an oven, thankful there won’t be another 3-4 months of that feeling. on the positive, super beautiful sunrise run with the dog in our woods today
  3. Just keeps snowing:) Valley’s quick to get green but the Mt keeps holding on. looking good down there PF Memphremagog/Owl’s head
  4. In and out of the squalls now. Nothing shocking, a few inches up high
  5. A little sun on the new snow before the next round. Always nice to see fresh snow on the new Spring green
  6. No, it is one of my favorite places to ride my bike. Endless, quiet dirt roads. It is a special place, like being on a VT plateau. The highlands of VT! I am a few hills away In Newport Center
  7. Daily lunch 1.5 mile lunch walk with my daughter and the dog in wind driven rain/44F, fitting for the end of this month. No complaints though, 60 felt amazing yesterday and the first seeds are in the ground Holland VT yesterday
  8. Went for a bike ride today. Realized we will go through March without a decent snowfall up here(6+). Times are certainly strange
  9. Only a couple inches up here J. Still made for decent Gilpin turns. maybe the earliest I have seen our tulips popping
  10. I was impressed with 60 here and running the pup in a T shirt. Might be even more impressed with 53 and rain at 10pm in the first half of March. Could hear the trees running up here
  11. The white lands of the North.
  12. Everything is slanted up there from the wind:). Which have been ripping. Full blizzard drift busting chokers. back to full white out down at 1K Moooore snow!
  13. all things considered, not bad, since it switched to snow yesterday afternoon down in the valley we have 4". Guess I am putting the bike gear away:)
  14. balmy 28F, light snow with 4" overnight. Sneaky powder day
  15. 3.5” since I cleared the driveway. The moon is out and the winds are starting to rework the landscape, 12F and dropping
  16. 7.5” since the switch, full whiteout conditions, 28 with occasional gusts proper storm!
  17. over to snow now, should be a fun 12 hours something is happening, we have every red squirrel, bird feeding now, and four new deer dig pits under the apple tree this morning
  18. We crust:) 33F with a calm mist
  19. 2” from the kitchen sink, tomorrow should be more interesting
  20. This week I have come to appreciate the impact a layer of snow flakes can make. Each day we have picked up a quick layer ii a passing flurry, currently dropping some slow flakes. The back yard xc ski center has moved scary fast to enjoyable skiing with literally three layers of snow flakes. Kind of surprised to see us in the 13" bracket for the upcoming event. If that verifies, going to need to move onto steeper slopes:)
  21. 6.5” some blue skies visible over the border, the Greens are still snow fencing, surprised how dense the snow is considering it fell in sub 10F air
  22. Just home from Burke. hammering snow, 4” so far
  23. Guessing 3-4” here. Winds are moving it all now
  24. it will need to come down 1"/hr for the next 6 hours to meet the forecast up here fingers crossed for 4"
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