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Posts posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. I hope no one minds that I've resurrected a post from Sept 25, but a coworker was looking at this snowfall data and suggested that we check to see if any of these years had a warm Christmas Day. Well, I got to looking at the data, and found some of it interesting, and dare I say, encouraging.
    For those old enough to remember the first Washington's Birthday storm in Feb 1979, look at the similarities. (Listed as Dec 1978 )
    Even the coolest 12/25 in 1884 fired off a high of 66 on 12/31.
    (I looked at the late Dec period in general, not just 12/25.)
    I didn't expect the see anything in this, but now I think it's worthy of posting. Thanks for your indulgence.

    ---------- Original Posted Data; Updated-------------

    Dry Sept -vs- snowfall amount:

    I investigated the 8 years mentioned by LWX in the AFD today regarding driest Septembers. (5  Driest Septembers BWI, DCA, IAD)
    Using BWI annual snowfall records, (normal 20.1 inches), I checked the following winters of each year for either normal, or above normal; rounding to the nearest inch. So basically, if a winter was 20" or higher it makes the winner's circle. (2005 wouldn't have made it without the rounding to 20, but eh, close enough)

    So, I was a bit surprised that only 2007, at 9" was below normal.  Here's the years and following winter snowfall (Balto snow data):

    Update 1/2/20: Added the Max Temp on Christmas Day, Dec Max T, Dec Snowfall, and monthly temp departure.

              12/25 Max    Dec Max (day)         Other notable         Dec Snow (3.0 avg)    Dep

    1884 - 31"              32f     66f, 12/31    63f on 12/7                      3.8”             +1.4
    1906 - 31"              32      68, 12/6       66 on 12/15                     0.2               -0.4
    1967 - 23"              40      62, 12/22     61 on 12/19                     4.6               +0.6
    1977 - 34"              52      59, 12/14     26/13 on 12/28                0.5               -1.1
    1978 - 43"              48      72, 12/8       71 on 12/4                       0                  +3.4  
    2005 - 20"              42      58, 12/24                                           6.0               -2.7
    2007 - 9"                50      63, 12/23     nothing else over 59         4.8               +1.1
    2014 - 29"              61      69, 12/1       61 on 12/24, 60, 12/28     0.2               +3.2

    2019 - ??                49      65, 12/28                                            0.3               +3.2

    avg = 27.5”

    The 1977 was only at DCA; 1978 and 2014 only at IAD. Otherwise pretty good mix.
    Hope we don't see another 2007/8 winter; or worse.

  2. 5 minutes ago, dailylurker said:

    They close it for a little puddle. Closing it is just a way to waste our tax money. I live a mile from the puddle.

    Lately with freezing weather, they have to sling salt for about a half mile on each side, so the car gets a new dose of rust without even the benefits of a snowstorm. 

    As a guy with many years of highway drainage designs in my past, I could go on an extended rant but won't. Doesn't belong here anyway. Just breath deeply...

    • Haha 1
  3. 0.55" rain today.

    Hi 49 from low of 39. Pretty crummy wx.

    Yesterday was quite pleasant. Started an installation project on a car. Then had to finish it today. Lucky I could work under cover, but still not so enjoyable. 

    Oh well; car repair in ultra cold is plenty unpleasant too. (Seen my share of that)

  4. Partially snow covered roofs still quite common in Bowie on the drive to work.

    There's a small church that has significant snow on their main roof, as if they were in a different storm than all the neighbors. Finally occurred to me that the nave isn't heated during the week. Probably be gone before Sunday anyway. (Praise the Lord and melt the roof.)

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