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Everything posted by BristowWx

  1. At least next winter won’t be this winter. A whole new set of failure scenarios await. Onward and upward!
  2. 2014. Damn. I got excited about a 9 year old NAM plot. Bring on spring and end this nightmare
  3. Yeah. I used to get more at my useless location. Not lately…it’s more like what RIC was years ago…I headed toward ORF climo
  4. Are you higher up in Manchester? online says between 27-33 inches.
  5. I am not so sure its being suppressed as it is being kicked out...it doesn't look like a smooth slide SE as if there was too much confluence more like an abrupt push...maybe from the western low kicking it out...the better solutions from few days ago had it develop quicker...as mentioned no two events are alike...the being too warm part is the common theme not the track of the lows
  6. Can’t argue that. My best event was today because I saw it snow during the day. it stuck to some trees for 8 minutes.
  7. He’s in NE PA. Over is a gradually spreading south to north wave right. Maine has a lotta more.
  8. Never thought I would say this but I wish I was in Albany right now. They have so much to look forward to
  9. This channel of snow tv has been great. It has snowed here on and off all day…with nothing but ambiance to show for it.
  10. Actually sticking. 37. Who knew?
  11. Yes not bad. I heard a sleigh bell.
  12. Yes I can confirm the same. Snow is snow. It’s all good
  13. We cannot under any setup get the 540 line south of us…f*** the 546….it sucks ass
  14. The don’t have the Delaware beaches…some of the best on the east coast…it’s hard to beat the MA…if we had a normal winter with some snow our mental base state would be much improved…this year was just a donkey punch
  15. really? seems like it was constantly warm...maybe just my perception
  16. I did. But it’s so far past Christmas I am starting to think it’s November already. If so the pattern looks epic.
  17. gets to 970. wow. blizzard of 23 for some
  18. The warm smell of colitis rising up through the air
  19. Yep. Give it a couple of days and the idea of a thread won’t break the noise floor.
  20. We might have been so focused on the battle getting the GFS to cave we might have forgotten the war of getting a snow event. Who knows
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