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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. I just ride over to New Windsor and back on 207, was pleasantly surprised to see pockets of good color. My yard is a lost cause but I was happy to see some potential out there until at least Tuesday, then we shall see.
  2. I’m seeing what’s left is indeed getting rather bright, just wish there was more of it in my yard
  3. Every window open in the house by 11am on 10/21.
  4. I'm hoping that I can get in on that too. Some trees are already bare or close to it but I'm hoping to salvage the ones that are still green.
  5. I got down to 31 the other morning but it wasn’t long enough for a hard freeze here. The sumac trees still have their leaves, when I get a freeze they start dropping that morning.
  6. I find microclimates very interesting and many folks aren’t even aware of them. You hear people say that they heard on the news that 3” of rain fell for example but they really have no idea how much actually fell in their yard, temps are the same thing but most people don’t care about these nuances or small details in their minds.
  7. 31 with heavy frost at IMBY I’m told, I’m in Albany this morning.
  8. #truth. The line of baldness has increased significantly over the last 2 decades.
  9. The top of my head isn’t brown, Putz. It’s been shaven clean as a baby bum for 20 years now.
  10. The best ingredients are warm days with cool nights but above freezing at night. With all the humidity, besides it being very warm to begin with during the day, we couldn't get the cool nights. We recently had low temps that were warmer than what the average high temperature should be, and not for one day but a number of them.
  11. Actually from what I've read over the years a dry spell leading up to the foliage can make it more vibrant. IMO it was the heat and humidity that cooked the leaves this year.
  12. Maybe we'll start to get a pattern change heading into November. As for the colors, I was holding out some hope but now I'm in the 'they suck this year' camp, which is a big disappointment.
  13. Divorce is so nice I did it twice. Too soon?
  14. I drove over Storm King today and there were patches of mostly brown and then some orange and reds but they were dull, they were missing the vibrant pop.
  15. .93 so far over the past two days. Leaf drop IMBY increased again over the weekend, many of the leaves down without much of any color.
  16. Some decent color showing up on 207 on my ride over to New Windsor this morning. So it’s starti to look like fall, it smells like fall, the breezes feel like fall...and then here the dew point...hope you all enjoy your Fourth, hopefully the rain doesn’t wash out your fireworks.
  17. ACs humming on Columbus Day Weekend...yeah that’s perfectly normal around here...
  18. I think its the above normal temps that will keep it from being epic. From everything that I've read over the years a dry spell in the fall helps with the colors making them more vibrant but the warm days and cools nights are key. The very warm to hot days and warms nights is what is doing the damage IMO.
  19. I saw even more color on the trees this morning, we our luck though Nate will wipe out the good stuff.
  20. My heavy leaf drop of a couple of weeks ago has let up quite a bit over the past week or so and I'm finally starting to notice some color slowing showing up.
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