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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. My historical stats come from the COOP in Walden as it’s the only thing close to go off of as I build my own database. Walden is in between you and I. The record was 20 so yea, you shattered it.
  2. I been working on this for a while. Due to the crappy foliage this fall I had to use a fall photo from a couple years ago. I’m going to try to do this each year.
  3. Here are the new snowboards. I’m not sure how the adhesive rulers will hold up, time will tell. I’ll use the board with the white tape to measure snowfalls on and use the one with the yellow tape for snowpack.
  4. The record lows I have IMBY for tomorrow and Sunday is 20 both days. I reckon they gone, replaced with new ones.
  5. It was a nice drive in though this morning, dense fog, heavy frost on everything, the sun just starting to come through. Beautiful
  6. Nah, I'm lying to you, I've been down in the low teens already.....yes, it really is my first 20's. This is typical for me I've noticed over the years, that I'm behind a bit on the cool temps early in the season. Once all the leaves drop then I can start radiating, the pond and river may have its own slight affect too as its always a bit more humid near my house so I think it keeps the dews up a degree or two in comparison to locations around me.
  7. I’ll post a pic. It will have a pipe screwed to the center of the board. The pipe will have adhesive measuring tape on it. I’ll still measure with my snow ruler but the pipe will be easier to read from a distance to ballpark it until I actually measure. The pipe will also serve as a marker to keep track of the board. I’m going to make a second one to use for tracking the snowpack, hopefully we’ll have one to track.
  8. Nevermind that you’re measuring on a damn grill LOL. I planning on making a new snowboard this week, gonna borrow a couple ideas I’ve seen in the NE thread over the years.
  9. I have some flakes mixed in there now. I never expected much of anything from this down here at 385’.
  10. I’m still waiting on basically any precipitation. There were drops on the concrete but it’s not solidly wet. We fringe.
  11. Do you at least have the greenest lawn on the block? Hopefully it works out for you.
  12. There are plenty at my house, you can have them if you want them.
  13. http://www.hudsonvalleyweather.com/2017-2018-hvw-winter-outlook/ I haven’t gone back to see how they did in the last with their winter outlooks.
  14. Same here, hoping today is the last mow but I doubt it. There’s no point in putting the shorts away anymore.
  15. Yeah, glad it’s back because I SO missed humid weather...not.
  16. There's less daylight no matter how people want to spin it. I once heard it said, though I don't recall where or who said it, but daylight savings time is like cutting an inch off of the top of the blanket and sewing it to the bottom, the blanket remains the same size regardless.
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