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Posts posted by Brian5671

  1. 6 hours ago, nzucker said:

    Nope, there wasn't much snowcover. The Feb 11-12 storm disappeared in a few days, and January and March both torched. There was a small period in mid-December with snow on the ground but nothing noteworthy.

    yeah it was a big torch-I remember some mets saying the cold was coming in January, but it never showed up.  We were lucky to get the Feb Blizzard that year.   Hit on a Saturday too.

  2. 10 minutes ago, SnoSki14 said:

    Another non-fall, we've basically become a two season region with summer dominating for 8-9 months of the year.

    Unbelievably high departures coming up with several days of mid 80s likely, the rate of global warming is truly shocking.

    Easily think this month will be the hottest October on record. 

    Dry ground adding another 3-5 degrees on temps-big bust here today with temps pushing 80 already.   In the summer this would be a 100 degree day

  3. 11 minutes ago, bluewave said:

    The last time we had a decent wet pattern here in September was way back in 2011. Pretty impressive dry streak the last several Septembers. The lack of major summer heat in places like Long Island prevented the dry conditions from getting worse than they were this summer. But NNJ did much better in the rainfall dept than Long Island this summer.

    Been an amazing streak of little to no tropical activity-usually we get some remnant of a storm and get some good rains...

  4. 2 hours ago, IrishRob17 said:

    So it’s luscious but you haven’t had to cut the grass?  I assume that’s a typo. My grass is drying out and for the first time this season I could go longer than a week without mowing but now with the leaf drop I’ll have to mulch anyway. 

    Hoping tomorow's storm threat overperforms-models have it mainly east, but who knows, it's our last hope for awhile.


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  5. 3 hours ago, LongBeachSurfFreak said:

    Surprised no one is talking about how dry it's been. Literly drying out in wantagh...

    Grass has long since turned brown here. Foliage just starting to turn brown and fall....ugly stuff.  No real rain since 9/6/17.   (got .20 from Jose but that only settled the dust)

  6. 12 hours ago, Rjay said:


    Lived in the NW burbs of Philly-had the day off from school.  Mostly a big rainstorm there, little to no wind.   Got something like 6-8 inches of rain.  Forecast was a bust-storm was supposed to move up the DE Bay and across Philly forecasts were for 100MPH winds....which looking back makes little sense give climo.  The track it took (moving NNE off the coast) made much more sense.

  7. 6 hours ago, WinterWolf said:

    Guys, what time do you think the rain starts tomorrow in Central CT???  Late afternoon?  Noon??  


    Have a big event at school, and wondering if we get it in???  


    Or do we postpone til Friday??  But Friday isn't looking to good either in the morning????

    10am to noon give or take based on latest models.

  8. On 1/29/2017 at 5:09 PM, Rtd208 said:

    According to Steve D. "the pattern should remain active and on the cold side until mid February then Spring is on the way". The way this winter has gone and how the models have handled things even in the shorter ranges I am taking everything with a grain of salt. I will laugh if we wind up seeing our biggest snowfall of the winter on March 1st.

    Turned out to be correct.

  9. 7 minutes ago, danstorm said:

    I can speak firsthand that it's a miserable place for snow.  Quintessential nickle and dime.

    There is literally snow in the air for weeks at a time (the dying lakes squalls that get squeezed out over the big ridge to the west) that never accumulates.

    Too far east for Lake Effect and often too far west for the coastal lows.   They need an inland runner to cash in.

    2 minutes ago, Stormlover74 said:

    They have around 21" So about 50% of normal

    surprised 40 inches is their average....would think less given what I stated above.

  10. 3 hours ago, Rtd208 said:

    DT says winter is basically over in his This Week in Weather video. He mentions maybe..maybe some winter weather in mid to late March if the mjo swings around into a more favorable position again but honestly by then who cares. I am really not a big fan of any wintry weather after the first ten days of March unless it is an extreme event i.e Superstorm of 93 or if we have a very cold air mass in place.

    Yep another early end to winter.   Seems like 2/15 has been the date of the last big snows for a few years.    Big warmth in middle of the country-hard to see how we don't get warm at some point in the next week or so.    Tough winter, the cold could never hit and hold.  The loss of the warm blob of water in the Pacific was a big deal along withe the AO and NAO staying positive much of the winter.   

  11. On 10/31/2016 at 0:44 AM, Rtd208 said:

    Larry Cosgrove released his outlook for winter 2016-2017 and its not good if you like cold and snow although confidence levels are not particularly high. He is also going with a very warm December which seems to contradict most outlooks.






    he's pretty much nailed it for the east so far.   Too dry and warm in the west however.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Rtd208 said:

    According to Steve D. "the pattern should remain active and on the cold side until mid February then Spring is on the way". The way this winter has gone and how the models have handled things even in the shorter ranges I am taking everything with a grain of salt. I will laugh if we wind up seeing our biggest snowfall of the winter on March 1st.

    we'll get a 10 day window most likely given the seasonal trend.  Most temperature forecasts are going in the trash bin this winter.   I think LC had a warm winter, but most of them I saw were cold and snowy.   

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