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Everything posted by Chris12WX

  1. I’d like to stick with Chris12WX. When i tried changing password for Chrisrotary12 nothing happened. I know Chris12WX works.
  2. We had a storm on Sunday and another one coming Friday. Guess we didn’t/aren’t tracking those.
  3. Feel like the NAM gets credit for things because it is the first model available in every suite.
  4. I’d like to stick with Chris12WX please & thank you.
  5. Just enough to coat everything white and make it feel like winter. As someone mentioned above, roads were quite slippery late yesterday afternoon.
  6. I live at the tallest point in town. Only snow here. Forever winter. I've had pack since Thanksgiving. lol
  7. Sure. I forgot my old password. But the problem is the email address attached to it was @aol.com which doesn't really exist anymore.
  8. Finally back in after ~6 months of not being able to log in or set up a new account. Who can I ping about getting my red tag back? (Formerly Chrisrotary12)
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