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Posts posted by magpiemaniac

  1. 1 hour ago, mackerel_sky said:

    :maprain:Remember when Brad P issued his winter forecast and went with above normal snow for a lot of people?? 

    I need to resolve to never read another long-range winter forecast again.  Forget a three-month forecast: we can’t even get three days right.  We might as well resort to palm reading or pig entrails.

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  2. I’m really not too eager to see 3 to 5 inches of rain on top of already soggy soil.  Around our back patio, we have four downspouts that have outlets running under the landscaping.  I spent yesterday cleaning out three of them in preparation for this week’s Noahic event, but I’ll be darned if I can’t find the fourth one.  It’s covered under mulch and soil and I’ve poked a prodded everywhere with no luck.

  3. I’m happy to see a light dusting in the mulch at least.  Today was sort of like scoring a late fourth-quarter field against the third-string defense of a team that’s drilling you 63 to 3.  We’ve been defeated by this winter, but at least we’re on the board with something.  Here’s to hoping that we can score a late touchdown within the next month.


  4. 3 hours ago, kvegas-wx said:

    I want to report the follow observation.  My grass is getting greener and the seed is starting to come up.  That is all.

    Even with good drainage, parts of my yard are waterlogged.  If it’s not going to be cold, it’d be nice to have a dry weekend.  But nooooooooooooo.  :arrowhead:

  5. 7 minutes ago, yotaman said:

    Spring has sprung, currently 79/68.

    Wow, quit a spread of temps across the state at this hour. Near 80 across much of the southeast to the mid 40's in the foothills.

    It’s 48 currently in Greensboro.  I shouldn’t complain I guess.  I hope we get paid back for all of this relative warmth.

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