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Everything posted by Froude

  1. Flipped and snowing pretty good here at 500ft in the Champlain Valley.
  2. Took the scenic route home today. Mansfield looking as good as she has all winter.
  3. Hah yeah had to double check the calendar to confirm that was only a week ago today. I'm headed up to Bryant Camp for a couple nights this week, hoping the spine can squeeze a couple inches out tonight to at least whiten things up.
  4. Damn, some grade A shots right there! #3 is a keeper. Was nice to get daytime event, super fun storm skiing yesterday and it brought back terrain I thought for sure was done for the season. Wind stripped most the snow off the trees last night but the sheltered pockets today were beautiful. Here's one from behind my parent's place in Underhill.
  5. Hah yeah that was one of the better AFDs. BTV does great work.
  6. Love these midweek specials. It felt like it should out in the Greens this morning... lingering upslope and sun filtering through. We both had work to do but it's one of those winters where you have to take advantage.
  7. Yeah I was skeptical this morning but it's been crushing here in the valley since noon. In Burlington now, 5 or 6" down.
  8. Hah yeah night and day compared to your moonscape shot. 3% fluff doesn't do too much for the surface conditions but it's a huge mood booster when it's able to stack like that. The smooth low angle stuff was actually pretty fun.
  9. Got out in the woods on the west side of the Greens this afternoon. Predictably thin coverage, refrozen crust, and streams still running high. But amazing what 3" of fluff does for the aesthetics with fresh snow on the surface and clinging to pine trees.
  10. Total pack loss here last night with lots of open fields and southerly exposure. Woke up to 3" of new fluff with some sleet on the bottom. Grateful to not have to look at bare ground in mid Feb at least.
  11. 46F and full sun. Valley snowpack taking a hit. Maybe I wasn't paying attention but I feel like this thaw snuck up on us.
  12. Hah yeah these overrunning storms are great. They just seem easier. Less worries with the storm track, way less wind, no shadowing issues so everyone wins. Give me these and some fluffy clippers all season please. A foot or so here with a few flakes still coming down.
  13. Finally flipped to snow here. The pack actually took a decent hit overnight, time to rebuild!
  14. Happened to be driving through Essex/Colchester right as those yellow pixels popped overhead. Picked up an inch or so to freshen things up. ... and edit to add that walking outside to above zero temps this am was delightful. Felt like a spring morning hah
  15. Hate to hear that. Stowe Mtn Rescue had a busy few days. Perhaps a different incident but I saw the predictable collection of emergency vehicles at the end of 108 on Tuesday. I'm definitely treading lightly and keeping it low angle at the moment.
  16. Fun storm. 5" or so here in the northern CPV. Winds were absolutely ripping this morning on the west side, followed up by that mid day paste dump. Things will be skiing very well this week with some fluff on top tonight.
  17. Maybe a bit under the forecast, but a nice snow here in northwest VT. Eyeballing 3-4” with some diamond dust sparkling on top. Need one solid warning event to really get the season going.
  18. What I wouldn't do to be holed up in the Sierra this week. While we debate inches they're doing it in feet over there. For Kirkwood...
  19. Very cool. Looks straight out of Downeast Maine. Lake temp is 56, I was in town last night and you can definitely feel the change in the air by the waterfront.
  20. Watched a few slow moving showers up against the Greens this afternoon. Late day sun made for one of the brightest and longest lasting rainbows i've seen. Popped the drone up for the tail end of it.
  21. That one was nuts! Absolute crusher on the western slopes.
  22. I took a few laps at Smuggs this afternoon. Was eyeballing more like 6 or 7 with some wind effect up top. Skied nicely. We did alright here in the valley. 2" at my house at 500 ft. Fascinating to watch the accumulations vary driving along the Lamoille river, and easy to spot where the water kept things just a bit warmer.
  23. Spring corn cycles like this one often provide my favorite turns of the season. Fast and smooth on groomers, and hopping over the exposed rocks and dirt patches on the natural trails just adds to the fun. That said, Phin is onto something here. Big melt in the hills this week. Noticeable difference in coverage from even two or three days ago, and it will be interesting to see how it looks after this weekend. We are now in the basement in terms of snow depth when it's often the deepest pack of the season.
  24. Squall line just passed through here. Started with some graupel and switched to a nice burst of heavy snow. Should be hitting the Stowe/Smuggs area right about now.
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