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Everything posted by winterwarlock

  1. 68 here...skeptical that a full day of June sun wil not push the temperature into the 70s? I guess clouds are expected to fill in?
  2. Saturday too cool for my liking..not a beach day. Its June not April
  3. Not me..have to che k first day of June..seeing signs of drying out on lawns just a bit. 1.46 for me last 16 days
  4. Not me..have to che k first day of June..seeing signs of drying out on lawns just a bit
  5. 88 imby Extremely uncomfortable day
  6. I kept hearing about a rainy cold pattern and doom and gloom. Yet in 10 days i only have about .53. Plus the weather has generally been beautiful the past 2 weeks with many sunny days and 80s. Another winner this week! Still running above normal!
  7. What a great stretch of early summer weather!
  8. Shh don't tell anyone about a beautiful 4 day stretch of early summer with highs around 80
  9. .75 about total from 2 showers. Hardly earthshattering. It had been almost 5 days since previous rain so I am still wondering about the "another night of downpours" comment Also im looking at the forecasts for next 7-10 days and it looks seasonal with plenty of nice days with the usual rain chances every so often. A gorgeous stretch of 3 days beginning Friday
  10. another??? there really havent been that many imby and its not doing anything right now
  11. it will change, it always does
  12. 94 for the high imby..hottest day of year thus far and my 3rd 90. 81 now
  13. Alot of clouds and some rain to my north..will we even reach 90?
  14. Yep i call bust for tomorrow
  15. Looks like im going to luck out between the squeeze play and avoid the storms...storms to north and storms to south..maybe because i was basically cloudy and maybe 75 tops all day Man these models are brutal Now im doubting tomorrow's 95 and i bet the sun doesnt show til noon Wouldnt want to take my chances with cool and clouds at the beaches
  16. Where is the sun Where is summer Mets and models busting all week Models have been gross in mid range
  17. Thats a big flip flop for the models for Memorial Day weekend. Let's hope it flops back
  18. Run of mill thundershower just came thru..meh
  19. Its almost clockwork that the FIRST hyped severe stuff never pans out. In the next month some benign parameter will lead is to surprise widespread damage to make up for this disaster
  20. This looks to be one of the biggest busts of the last 30 years.
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