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Everything posted by ineedsnow

  1. One lone thunderstorm heading this way... hoping it dies out before it gets here.. nice day to be out for once
  2. Where's the high heat high dew crew? Losing daylight , averages going down, soon enough we will have our first real coldfront.. Fall stuff showing up in stores.. we take
  3. This looks soooo cool in person... the sun set but this is rain falling and the sheets of rain are pink
  4. Wind is cranking. no rain or lightning though
  5. Most models show it weak now though.. hoping it holds but not counting on it.
  6. So much for a hot august . Looks like we warm but nothing crazy.
  7. 1.54 so far. Really good drink but not the flooding others had
  8. About to get a crap load of rain here.. should be fun, we have a good amount of lightning to the south
  9. Saw that on my way home from work.. looked awesome!!!!
  10. Plus 3 in september can still be comfortable!! Its coming soon enough..
  11. Was just checking that out on radarscope definitely legit
  12. Highest dew of the morning here was 69 so far..
  13. GFS trying to bring rain Tuesday morning... might mute afternoon storms
  14. New GFS was close but it will change a 100 times between now and then
  15. Definitely was a. HOT July.. but also had some really nice days mixed in.. couple days we got in the low 50's for lows and one day that I can think.of in the upper 40's
  16. Averages drop to the upper 70's by months end can't wait...
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