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Posts posted by toolsheds

  1. 18 minutes ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

    Would have posted to banter but weather isn’t discussed there. Total insanity. Last few hours of obs at Mount Washington 


    That is amazing.  Isn't the U.S.  record for WInd Chill somewhere below -200 on Mt Washington? 

  2. 2 minutes ago, dailylurker said:

    Lol gotta use JO#1 for doing stuff like that. JO#2 (the salty one) is basically just for steaming crabs.

    Trial by error.  I definitely learned a something that day :-)


    • Haha 1
  3. 17 hours ago, WinterWxLuvr said:

    Totally serious here ... just a matter of time. Sometime in the next 3 weeks we will track a winter event. Winter just typically doesn’t end this early.

    According to this guy.....we are still in winter......



    • Haha 4
  4. 10 minutes ago, dailylurker said:

    JO spice is what crab houses use. Old Bay is for tourists. 

    I made the mistake of using JO once for crab cakes for a mother's day meal.  I put a little extra in and they were way too salty. :-)  


    I ate mine because I was too stubborn to admit I used too much, but I definitely failed that day. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Mrs.J said:

    I have a couple good recipes. Getting ready to crash but will put them up in the morning. :sun:

    I usually just make them without a recipe.  I use mayonnaise, Old Bay, Jumbo Lump Crab Meat and occasionally I'll add bread crumbs (but not always).  I use a ladel to scoop them and place on the cookie sheet and broil them until they are golden brown. 

    • Like 2
  6. 10 hours ago, vastateofmind said:

    OMG, I use Old Bay on salmon, chicken, pork, pasta, sauces, on the grill, on the stovetop.......  :) 

    don't forget in scrambled eggs, tuna salad, deviled eggs.....any many other great dishes!

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, H2O said:

    I wouldn't be happy with what they would have to give up to get him.  Tired of sacrificing the future for teams that only go 8-8 

    any thoughts on RIvera bringing Cam Newton in?  They have a history.  Not saying it is a good idea, but definitely plausible. 

  8. 6 hours ago, losetoa6 said:

    Not really imo.  My brother 73' me 75' We had the pleasure of all the great toys from the 80s( 1st generation Transformers, Star wars , GiJoe) MTV , Basic cable , Atari 2600, My older brother and I being dropped off at Arcades at 8-10 years old lol. Tape cassettes, The Walkman, recording TV and movies on 2  VCR's . Some of the best movies of all time came out in the 80s . Ofc ...the music . Orioles 83' World Series win. Jean jackets , BMX trick and jump biking , Blizzard of 83' , Hurricane Gloria and the list goes on :popcorn:

    And Big Wheels:thumbsup: ...I almost forgot 

    Do you remember that #1 North used to be called Lippy's.  It was like your old corner store with a meat counter and all.  I played a ton of Ms. Pac Man there and used to buy packs of baseball/football cards when they were 25 cents and had a stick of gum.    There was also a gas station (now some sort of sap) next to millers where they had BattleTank. 


    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, IUsedToHateCold said:

    This discussion brings back memories of using Netscape navigator in the high school library in 1998. One webpage took 2 minutes to load and it was just text.

    There was no Google. The existing search at the time was really terrible and you couldn’t find anything. You would search for something school related and get search results for viagra.

    Google was really amazing when it first started 



    I Honestly remember using a unix prompt to surf the web without and graphics back in college.   I want to megadeth.com and they had characters spelling the name out as the text was loading. 

  10. 18 hours ago, Mrs.J said:

    The one I hated the most was Max and Ruby. Swear I wanted to slap Ruby every single episode. She was so bossy to Max. And for some reason you never ever saw their parents. Occasionally they visited grandma. Also Lazy Town was just horrible. The Miss J’s loved it when little. 

    i'm sorry  missed all this fun yesterday, I was refereeing some basketball for a good part of the day.  

    Has anyone seen the show that they replaced Caillou with?  "John Dillermand", Look it up. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

    Definitely agree with this.  I ran track a looooong time ago in high school and we always had a warmup/cool down during practices.  I did sprints, 100m, 200m 400m relay.  I still ended up suffering a pulled hip-pointer muscle one time (it went out on me while running the 100m dash during a meet!) that killed the rest of that season for me.  Really sucked, especially since I was scheduled for 2 other events that day and I had to be scratched from those.  It was all I could do to hobble/walk for awhile, even had to use crutches to some extent.  Strangely, it didn't bother me again in my final 2 years after that, thank goodness.  But shin splints...that was a never-ending battle!  They had a shin splint board in the locker room that you were meant to stand on for some length of time (the board was elevated at about a 45 degree angle), to strengthen it.  And at home I'd have to occasionally lift a weight tied to my foot with my ankle (used one of those old cast irons, weight like 8 pounds!).  That helped a lot.

    Shin splints were the bane of my existence 10th - 12th grade.   All three seasons...Soccer Basketball and Track were helped out by a ton of Motrin. 

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  12. 9 minutes ago, vastateofmind said:

    Great advice embedded here, which I didn't follow in my 20s and 30s. I lifted weights a lot more back then, logged a lot more jogging/running miles...and in every case, never stretched out, before or after workouts. HUGE mistake, especially with regard to running. Blew out my right knee (torn meniscus) at 40, got it scoped, not much cartilage left in there now. Now my left knee occasionally has that rotten/wobbly feel to it. Regardless of your age, folks...if you work out in any fashion, please stretch out before and after, and don't leave out warmups/cooldowns. It makes a difference to the long-term health of your muscles/joints.

    Definitely good advice.   I became IAABO certified started refereeing basketball last year.  I want to keep active where I can as I approach my 50s so everyday life is just easier.  Surprisingly, Its a lot of fun as well. 

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, H2O said:

    Did it snow back then?  Do you think Oooog the Neanderthal man got mad at Orrrrg if he didn't cave draw about day 6 snow when the sun got high enough in the sky?

    I thought the models back then went out to at least 10 sun cycles. 

    • Haha 2
  14. 17 minutes ago, vastateofmind said:

    Oh, MAN -- Homicide is one of my all-time favorite TV shows. Super cast, great writing...some of the best writers/directors/producers at work on that show, many of which carried over from St. Elsewhere (my favorite-ever TV series). So hard to find Homicide streaming, though -- and it's tough to find the seasons on DVD, and when you do, they're prohibitively expensive.

    Thanks for the rec on The Dectectorists -- will definitely check that out. We've been increasingly drawn to British dramas and miniseries over the past couple of years. PBS's Call The Midwife, which normally isn't my cup of tea, has turned out to be a favorite of ours...it aptly captures the feel and emotions of its setting in time (50s & 60s). We try to check out what's new on Masterpiece once in awhile...Masterpiece's (non-musical) mini-series remake of Les Miserables a year or so ago was particularly outstanding with an awesome cast (thought-provoking ending, too).

    I think I have seasons 1-4 from Homicide on DVD in a box somewhere.  The cinematography on that show was so different from any other shows back then.  The acting was superb too.  I remember working downtown right after I graduated from college and seeing the set up to shoot all around the city.  Really cool to see what they were producing. 

    Mackenzie Crook wrote "the Detectorists".  He was also in the British version of the Office and in the Pirates of the Carribean.  


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  15. 2 hours ago, vastateofmind said:

    Made a recommendation last week for "Nomadland" starring Frances McDormand just released on Hulu...stand by that, best flick I've seen in many years.

    My wife and I then switched back over to Netflix the past several days to start cleaning out our watchlists there and started a several- years-old documentary called "Evil Genius," about the 2003 "Pizza Bomber" bank heist in Erie, PA. Very compelling. Only four episodes long, but don't miss it if you like the true crime genre -- conspirators highlighted in the series definitely fit the title.

    BTW, best documentary I ever saw on any of the streamers was "The Keepers" on Netflix, about the late 1960s disappearance/murder of Sister Cathy in Catonsville, MD.

    I think that the old network show "Homicide: Life on the Streets" had an episode that depicted the story from the Keepers.  I know that Homicide has been off the air for at least 2 decades, but that was a great show. 

    I'd also recommend the show called "The Detectorists", a BBC show which prime currently has.  It's not a documentary, very British and dry, but enjoyable.  Only 7 or 8 half hour episodes per season, but worth the watch. 

    • Like 1
  16. 15 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

    So if this is a “weather” only board why do we have a banter thread or one on bugs and gardens and beer?  No one complains when we discuss lots of topics unrelated to weather. I understand “no politics” given the current climate but I’m annoyed that it feels like we are extending that to “anything that involves disagreement”.  AGW isn’t political just because one party decides to pretend it’s not real for financial reasons!  A virus isn’t political just because one political party decides to pretend it’s not that bad because they didn’t want to do anything about it.  Our political parties have opinions on almost EVERYTHING. What if tomorrow one of the parties decides beer is bad and some of their sycophants start making angry posts when we discuss our drinks in here...will that suddenly make that off limits too?   It’s annoying that we let that determine what we can discuss and label topics political when that aren’t political at all, unless your definition of political is “something a political party has an opinion on” in which case EVERYTHING is political!  Why not ban the clowns who can’t have a conversation like an adult and get hostile v banking a while conversation. And if someone says something you disagree with and you don’t want to engage you can always just ignore it.  I don’t get why we’re so sensitive to EVERYTHING anymore. On a larger scale in society ignoring each other will never improve this. We need more adult conversation and sharing of ideas not less. 

    I am soooo sorry for this, but remember this from years ago.    


  17. 8 minutes ago, mappy said:

    I agree, if you've canceled winter, or a threat, or even said you're leaving all together... you should gtfo and let others who still wanna talk weather, talk weather.

    Reminds me of of what Don and Mike used to tell their callers...if you don't like our show, change the channel. 

  18. 1 hour ago, psuhoffman said:

    If it makes you feel any better I’ve had plenty of posts deleted by mods over the years for being “too political” and they were mostly liberal leaning.  I just think everyone is too sensitive on both sides. Banning discussion is not the answer Imo. If someone can’t keep it clean and amicable then they can get banned. No reason people that can be adults and have a normal rational discussion and disagree/debate without being childish and nasty shouldnt be able too just because of trolls.  We need more discourse not less imo. 

    I didn't scroll down before I finished responding to my reply above and just saw this.  I grew up very conservative and always thinking like I thought my father wanted me to think.  As I got older and began to meet people from different cultures and diverse backgrounds, I learned a lot about how my views might be close-minded.  I learned a lot form just meeting new people and talking with them.  When we have open discussions and dialog, you do have an opportunity to see topics from a different mindset and maybe learn a little bit.  We can never stop learning, but to do so, you have to have an open mind. 

    • Like 3
  19. Just now, vastateofmind said:

    Sorry, that's a PITA. If you're able to consider other options, do you have access to Verizon FiOS at your address? I know lots of folks hate Verizon, too, but I can tell you in over 15 years of having FiOS, I can count on three fingers the amount of times we ever lost internet, TV or our landline (or any combination of them).

    THe newer half of my neighborhood can get FIOS....that is 2 houses down from me.  :-(

    • Sad 2
  20. 1 hour ago, HighStakes said:

    A school employee at one of the local middle schools here died a few months ago due to Covid. The situation was hushed. How many other cases were not disclosed?

    North Carroll Middle?  My mother retired from there last year right before Covid hit.  I'm very glad that she decided to retire since she is 76 and doesn't need the stress.

    My wife has been back in a Catholic school in Ellicott City since September 5 days a week.  She was extremely worried at first and does get concerned, but thankfully she has been safe.  She did get the first shot a few weeks ago and is scheduled to get the second one next week. 

    We let our kids choose if they went back to the Hybrid Model at South Carroll and they both decided to.  Unfortunately, My 10th grade daughter tested positive after the last game of basketball  2/14.   We understood the risks and she has recovered from a very slight case.  Thankfully nobody else in the house has had any symptoms since we have been homebound for the past 2 weeks.  The kids and wife go back to school next week when quarantine is up and we will still all wear our masks until restrictions have eased and respect others choices.

    I agree with a lot of points made here this evening, but most of all I just wished that we could all respect the fact the each and every one of us has differing opinions, and that is not a bad thing.  What is a bad thing is when we don't respect (not agree)  others ability to have a differing opinion if it is different. 

    If more people in general just stopped being so stubborn, this world would be such a nicer place to live. 

    • Like 2
  21. 3 hours ago, Ji said:

    winter is over. That is some of the worst modeling ive seen for any potential March event

    I had to read this twice.  My first thought after reading was a bunch of kindergardners sitting there fingerpainting the March weather models. 

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