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Everything posted by McHenrySnow

  1. Started here about 5 minutes ago or so. Pouring tiny flakes. Wind really picked up, too.
  2. Mine has dropped the past couple of hours and is down to 17º.
  3. We had some very light snow early this morning fwiw.
  4. My hope is 5". My range is 3-6". Final call.
  5. Glad we have at least 3 McHenry posters all in different areas. Will be interesting to see how this turns out, expect Woodstock to do better than Cary and I.
  6. As RC stated above, sleet is not going to end up being the primary p-type in most places, a brief transition between snow and zr.
  7. Really not sure why we're forecasting power outages for a storm on Friday when we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow night.
  8. I'll worry about Friday starting Wednesday.
  9. Got a dusting out there this evening. Cautiously optimistic to get a couple inches this week and would just be thrilled to get 6" or more.
  10. No one actually thinks the GFS has it locked in.
  11. I prefer the Canadian models ftr. lol Desperate times, desperate measures.
  12. Hard to assume this is wrong considering the season thus far.
  13. you can tell we're desperate when we're thrilled there's dust blowing in the wind
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