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Everything posted by Baltimorewx

  1. Dont get me wrong, its good. But its your typical coffee type stout. They all taste similar to me unless they're barrel aged or something
  2. Nothing like a royal farms beer to get you through the night lol
  3. around this way theres been a decrease particularly rush hour but considering my job requires driving quite a bit sometimes, I still feel like theres a decent amount of traffic out there. I guess its not that surprising considering tons of jobs are considered essential
  4. All schools in the nation will follow suit. Nbodys going to be going to school or sporting events until June or July at the earliest
  5. technically speaking but Im not sure how its going to be enforced...restaurants on the boardwalk are still allowed to do carry out. Guess what you have to do to get to some of those spots? Walk the boardwalk lol. I suppose police will be asking what their intentions are but still. its all dumb
  6. Honestly how can you even 'enforce' It? If you get pulled over all you have to say if your driving around to find grocery stores that have a particular product or you're going to a relatives house who needs care...honestly all the words are just words
  7. He closed "Non essential Businesses"...despite how he wants to twist it or call it, he just did the same thing other states have done. Its basically a "shelter in place" without calling it that. Honestly its all dumb as hell
  8. Yeah thats what Ive been trying to explain to people...People freak out about the terminology but like you said, we're pretty much already doing what the definition entails. A few more retail locations (mostly clothing and entertainment) will close and maybe some offices but a lot stays open and people will still venture out the house for various reasons. Its terminology meant to be stern in the hopes that some people that can, actually do stay home.
  9. Just got a letter from my employer that i have to carry around while driving for work in case I get pulled over, stating to any law enforcement that Im considered "essential". Cool. How about more pay?
  10. He may not make “rash” decisions but he is making proactive decisions...I believe Maryland was one of the first states to close restaurants and bars and that was when Md only had like a dozen cases if that. We are seeing runs on supplies, have you been to Costco’s and grocery stores? I bet a “shelter in place” order is coming if not today, then sometime later this week. that said, it’s really fancy terms meant to be “stern” with people. It’s really not much different than what we are already attempting to do. Essential business will remain open and people will still be leaving the house.
  11. Pretty sure. “Essential personnel actually includes a wide range of things. Even the liquor store is considered essential lol unless he does an executive order to shut those down. It mainly effects non essential retail like clothing stores/entertainment etc oh and I think auto dealers would shut down so no car buying
  12. Probably but it’s really not all that much different than what we’re already doing. Just fancy wording and maybe he’ll enact a curfew. I’ll still have to work so
  13. I’f you’re feeling frisky, watch fast times at ridge mont high if you wanna see a little more of Phoebe Cates...but I’m sure you know that lol
  14. I know, I’m just saying that’s why the deaths are so much higher there. Despite further spread, I doubt the US has anywhere near that number of deaths
  15. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2020-03-18/99-of-those-who-died-from-virus-had-other-illness-italy-says 99% of Italy’s deaths are underlying conditions. And an overwhelming majority of deaths are over 70 years old. Italy has an extremely old population. I can’t speak to why it has spread so fast there, but that is why there are so many deaths when there are only about 200 in the US with I think what 21,000 cases now
  16. If you’re looking for part time work let me know. I’m sure when things ramp up again they’re gonna be looking to hire
  17. Well now that recreation is shut down, not much lol. Change a couple trash cans. But when it’s busy with soccer/lacrosse we have to spray paint the fields, field upkeep etc. It’s generally a pretty cake job.
  18. I work here part time. Saturday morning shift
  19. Yeah it gives me some entertainment while I sit here doing nothing lol
  20. At Meadowood park up in Timonium, a few walkers but not a lot yet. I bet yesterday was rocking here though. check that, the outdoor yoga mom group just showed up lol
  21. Their median age is 10 years older than the US....That has a lot to do with at least the number of deaths anyway
  22. GFS pretty awful too...As if this wasnt predictable...not that most of us had a chance anyways
  23. Well the Icon turned into an awful run...No snow for anybody
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