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Posts posted by Stevo6899

  1. 13 minutes ago, michsnowfreak said:

    of course its been a minute since you posted, because you only show up when the northeast gets a big storm, and its been years. I like winter. So yes, harddd pass on an east coast climate south of Boston. Last winter nyc had 2 days with snow on the ground and Philly and DC had 0. lmao. the ultimate snow weenie belongs in a lake snow belt. 

    We've had this discussion many times. Only system snow gets my motor running. A true weather weenie would never take our climate over the northeast. I still dont get your obsession with crusty, yellow snowcover. I usually browse the site once a week in the winter. Nobody else will call you out on your turd polishing posts so I logged in lol. Everytime the northeast is about to get a good storm, you turd polish our awesome climate. It grinds my gears.I enjoyed these weather forums for awhile but the arrogance of the likes of the almighty weather god chicago storm and a few others turned me off. Hope all is well with you and i wish you good health josh ❤.

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  2. 2 hours ago, michsnowfreak said:

    Its a feast or famine climate there. They are always prone to a whopper when the ingredients are just right (though this isn't going to be a 30" storm), and they haven't had one in several years. The last measurable snow in NYC? January 18th. I've tracked several storms here and had 25 days with measurable snow since Jan 18th lol.

    Its been a minute since I posted on here but what a better time than to respond to a josh polishing detroit turd winter post. Its a famine climate in SEMI, where you'll be lucky to get one 10+ plus storm each winter. I think everyone on this board would give up the couple 4-8' yearly storms, perhaps go snow less 2-3 consecutive winters,  in return for that 24' plus storm. Kudos to you for still getting excited for 3-6' storm. I'd guess youre one of the few. Its okay to admit the northeast is the place to be for the ultimate snow weenie. 

    • Haha 1
  3. Probably almost impossible for a passenger to know whether or not they are over a tornado while flying commercially (I assume planes can fly over these storms without turbulence as long as they stay at maximum altitude)but I wonder what it looks like above these storms and if pilots have the technology available to know whether or not they are flying over a tornado. Just a different aspect.

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