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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. the south coast of RI and MA, where a lone thunderstorm was already marching east. Not expecting severe weather from this thunderstorm, as there is simply not enough energy to work with. This storm was barely capable of producing lightning. Trolling? ;D
  2. Maybe a few light storms on Tuesday?
  3. My favorite time of year...strong storms, no leaf out w/ constant lightning and flooding rains. Envious
  4. Great job with your farm, those look healthy.
  5. Debbie after Debbie post lately en masse. Then the awful pictures of patchy old, crusty brownish glacier on a remote mountain. It's like some are stuck in the past and still in denial.
  6. Yeah, looks like a fine day down there. Maybe a light sprinkle later but nbd.
  7. We're all excited to know that more seasonable conditions are coming soon. Pretty much all LR guidance shows a general mild up to more routine 60s and maybe some 70's, save NNE. Of course May is usually littered with a few bad stretches but that is not unexpected. Winter is long in the rear view mirror as we transform into summer.
  8. Looks leafy, dare I say full leaf out.
  9. It's like this is the first early summer ever for some forecasters.
  10. Pattern looks quite promising for seasonally increased heat and dews.
  11. A light downpour overnight. 47.3
  12. What a 0z gfs run. Just endless active wx the entire run, awesome. We avoid summer doldrums.
  13. As we thought all along, a few showers with an isolated light banger to begin May. Loving this drenching pattern,
  14. Certainly quite a bit of doom and gloom in this thread. Not sure what it is...lack of sun, SAD? Anyway, looks very Dr. Dewey through most of this month. Record low pollen counts. Lots of rain chances, with heavy areas of mold and mildew. Hopefully the fog horns are tuned up for our coastal folks.
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