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Everything posted by st0rmbrkr

  1. Why does it matter if a thread is started and the storm doesn't come to fruition? Is there a limit to the number of threads on this Forum? Is there nothing to be learned or discussed from a system or model that changes?
  2. Flakes started to drop in Waukesha County with strong westward wind about fifteen minutes ago.
  3. No optimism in this system bringing snow to us anymore or is there still potential the models shift eastward? This lack of snow has me bummin!
  4. Hey, could someone give me a little breakdown on why totals are dropping for the Milwaukee area and what is the possibility to overachieve? Thanks!
  5. Excited for you Illinois folks to hopefully get dumped on. I'm still hoping for a northern push like the last system and like what (I think) happened a lot last year. I'd be happy with 6 inches in MKE, hoping for 8 though!
  6. I really hope you are correct about the totals for Wisconsin, sounds like this system could be a lot of fun. Random question, because Sheperd Bay 10 day forecast looks horrible. Who is Sheperd and why does he have a bay that is so cold?
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