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Everything posted by NYCweatherNOW

  1. Para has a widespread blizzard here with 2-3 feet of snow from Virginia to Boston!
  2. At least para didn’t change course like gfs did. Don’t forget gfs flunked the November 15th snowstorm. I’ll shut up now
  3. Look I think we shouldn’t be sleeping on the wave Sunday night into monday morning
  4. Navgem looks amazing for next week not that it’s worth anything and a cool spring is going to be great but this summer in my opinion is going to be the hottest of all. So recap cold until May than hotter than ever until august
  5. Well my day is ruined. When I don’t get snow I seriously get depressed. If there’s an impending snowstorm I’m the happiest person in my circle. It’s kinda annoying how we can’t get one storm to work for us
  6. Anyone have the gfs para... the regular gfs is the worst model and is doing a crack thingy
  7. Still early the models have no clue yet ukmet looks like a good solution at 144
  8. Zero consistency. I’m sure that’s not the final outcome give it a rest we all want us snow. Please get ur negative vibe outta here!
  9. Gfs had a blizzard on the last run and now has a rainstorm that model sucks bro
  10. I wouldn’t sleep on that first wave Monday night. It seems like a 1-2 incher
  11. If we’re stuck in the middle that’s our best case scenario as there will heavy precipitation coming up the coast. It’ll be a quick mover but regardless it’ll snow heavy
  12. Those are sea surface temperatures they are not the actual sea temps. Those are measured above the water
  13. I doubt it snows for 30 hours and again I was just stating what the gfs depicted because Anthony said that mid Atlantic got a hit and I just said we did too. I am not taking the gfs solution literal because I’m sure it’ll change from now until the event. That’s all bro take it easy on me I’m a
  14. U don’t know that, you’re not God. I was just stating what the model showed. And gfs para has a major snowstorm for the region.
  15. hhmmm yes mid Atlantic gets hit good but we’re not spared either. We get 30 hrs of light to moderate snow on the latest gfs. That’s not really not a hit. And temperatures are way below freezing the entire time
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