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Everything posted by LeesburgWx

  1. 34 degrees, Moderate snow now. Huge flakes! Yards have caved. Slow melting on roads and sidewalks
  2. Anything above 32 may as well be an oven. I have 38.7 here right now
  3. Where is this so called cool front? It feels like an oven outside
  4. Just looked outside and all trees are covered again. Beautiful sight
  5. Pretty impressed with the snow here. Back edge imminent but went for a jebwalk and had mostly moderate snow the entire time. Most sidewalks have caved and some parts of streets are turning white again. Probably close to 1/3 inch accumulation on my car
  6. I have to agree that this appears short lived. No way we get 1-2 inches with just this mini band coming through
  7. Moderate snow here. Nice coating in cars and existing snow. Officially snow on snow
  8. What is the last triple phase storm that stayed on the beaches? Obviously we all know 1993 went up the apps
  9. Lol but in all seriousness, this is the type of setup where extreme southern cities see their once in a 648 year snowfall of 1 inch
  10. Most of you all were happy when models were giving you. 30 on last weeks storms Snow is like money. You are ok with a certain amount of it because you are happy to have some instead of none. But once you experience getting a larger amount, you need even more to be satisfied because the original amount you had is no longer is satisfying.
  11. I am getting worried about snow on snow prospects. I lost like 5 inches so far and am seeing green grass again
  12. The euro OP usually has at least 1 run that is terrible throughout the entire run for any given medium range focus per storm threat. Hopefully the Ensembles look better and more in line with our beloved UKMET
  13. Is this all snow or does it show freezing rain and sleet etc as snow on this?
  14. Meh, only single digits for us. Heatwave
  15. My father-in-law stopped by and said we are getting 2 feet of snow this weekend. Social Media influences at its finest...
  16. People are going to come on here tonight and see tons of new pages and think a BECS is certain just to find 5 pages about Ji and his fame
  17. And Ji doesn't look anything like I envisioned. This is more of what I thought he looked like. I literally thought this was Ji the entire time based on the YouTube videos
  18. My sister-in-law was just telling me about how she and all the other teachers use this page. Now that I know it is Ji, I am demanding she leave the page
  19. 11 inches was my total bringing my winter season total up to 16".
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