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Everything posted by LeesburgWx

  1. The ukie is why we need a bookie to make weather bets on. Ukie would be like 300 to 1 odds right now. Also, what happened to the days of when the euro used to follow the ukie?
  2. So is it going to snow or not? So much back and forth in here. I guess it is due to mby posts
  3. Anyone who doubted this event doesn't deserve snow
  4. Looks like a legit snowstorm outside and still snowing! Can we call this an over performer yet?
  5. This makes it snow on snow on snow on (parking lot pile snow) on snow on snow.
  6. Just woke up and looked outside. Everything white. Roads are gone. Wth happened?
  7. Just dropped another full degree. Now 14 degrees at 5:20 pm. Wow! Temp is plummeting
  8. This squall is better than the 11 inches I got un the big storm
  9. Oh damn it is rocking! Roads getting white again and winds are epic
  10. Hit 8.1 degrees overnight and am at 9 degrees right now. Been a while since I have felt single digits. Beautiful
  11. Received 3" here which puts me at 20" on the season. Not bad with prime February snow season to get through!
  12. Puking snow. Everything white now. Almost jebwalk time
  13. Roads and sidewalks have caved. 32 degrees. Moderate snow
  14. The next band west of Leesburg moving east looks legit
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