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Everything posted by A-L-E-K

  1. My call is looking stupid good, gotta admit b2b events just crushing it at d5
  2. Snow depth definitely decreased here today and the early flip to drizzle hasn't helped
  3. i think it's a p safe bet that the defo drops 3-5 somewhere friday night/early sat, i'd agree with cyclone on the favored area
  4. First non dust of the event, should get us to an inch
  5. that was 1/20/2014, solid 10"er this is my upload of the 1/2/2014 plume
  6. i have like 8' of euro fantasy snow over the past few years, it has lost its crown
  7. clearing out the attachments, from better days
  8. about a half inch here so far doing my best slant stick
  9. rainer city folks gonna have less snow otg by saturday than they did yesterday, lol
  10. even euro down to 3 or so lakeside and dropping each run, gonna be another $$$ call looking like cyclone will play the detroit role this storm and manage a decent hit from a dud setup
  11. could be the first big score for the upgraded GFS HRRR really warm, making that much maligned 38 yesterday a low ball
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