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Posts posted by Malacka11

  1. 7 minutes ago, IWXwx said:

    I also have that reputation. I know just enough about the weather to be dangerous.  There is not much seriousness in my DNA. I really am sorry to call you out on something that in fact had a different meaning. What is really a coincidence is that I used to call my oldest daughter (she's an adult now) piglet, because she loves pigs.

    That is quite the coincidence! 

    Seeing that I know quite little about the weather, I strive to maintain my standing through other means. No worries though, I learned something new today.

  2. 2 minutes ago, IWXwx said:

    Hey, no problem. I just happened to be doing some research on Greek language and that popped up. I had been reading and posting here earlier, so I already had your screen name in my head. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I had no idea that it also is a Hungarian word. I hope you will forgive me. I just assumed that it was an inside joke.


    It's all good lol; this was actually an incredibly amusing experience, it's just that I already have a reputation as one of the less-serious members on here so the last thing I need is everyone to think I'm a total fool :D

  3. 18 minutes ago, IWXwx said:

    Wow. I just found out what Malaka means in Greek, hence the profile photo. Color me ignorant.

    Oh. My. Lord. I swear that is a coincidence. Please, you have to believe me. My family is Hungarian, and my mother's childhood nickname for me was malacka, which translates into piggy, or piglet. I swear this is a coincidence. 

  4. 10 hours ago, cyclone77 said:


    Not sure when they updated it, but wxbell is now showing the 06z/18z Euro runs now.  Nice addition.  They're also continuing to tweak the model graphics, as they've  just recently added 3hr increments for P-type/thickness to the Euro.

    EDIT:  And now I see they have added hourly maps for many of the parameters, like surface temp, etc.  Very nice!

    I have, at long last, caved and subscribed as well. So far, I'm not dissapointed. Can't wait to use all of this stuff in the future!

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  5. gfs_mslp_pcpn_frzn_us_53.png

    Let it be known that today is the first time this season that a snowstorm potentially relevant to this sub-forum has been modeled by the GFS. 

    (I am by no means implying that this storm is anything more than a 318-hour modeling of no real significance. I'm just saying that it's the first snowstorm shown at any distance by the GFS shown in our region this season, and to me, that's kind of cool. You know you're just as hyped for winter as I am, so lighten up)

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