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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. Fixed. Really, people need to learn their place.
  2. P.S. a quick quote from Fauci himself in response to the jack-offs that say his opinions "change" too much. "If you change with the data," he said, "you’re not flip flopping." What a bunch of goobers the anti-Fauci crew is. Seriously. Maybe not every Harvard grad is a great person, but you don't become the chief medical advisor of the last six presidents by accident.
  3. "Vaccines are our path to normality", said Fauci, according to the Fox "News" host. Okay. Great. Given that we haven't actually reached our vaccination threshold yet, I fail to see why Fauci saying that even people who are currently vaccinated shouldn't dine indoors is so contrarian. Conservatives keep bitching and moaning over Fauci "moving the goalposts", which is amusing as even that phrase implies that there is some sort of argument, with two sides, taking place.
  4. The more cities grow, the more liberal everyone becomes. History repeats.
  5. The issue is that the money plays us all.
  6. As long as everything is nice and colorful by May, I don't mind all that much what happens in between now and then.
  7. It's sad in a way that we need to motivate kids through fear of not doing well in school in order to do their school work. But this is the Covid thread, not the local school board site so I'll shhh
  8. Remote learning takes the few things that students find fun about school, shits on them, and then keeps the "grinding" part. The assignments are more hollow, students are completely unmotivated to do them. Of course, I don't know exactly what it's like, but I imagine that it's basically impossible to actually get kids engaged if they don't want to be. Hell, I know if I had an 8:30 Zoom class I'd be attending that thing in my PJs every day.
  9. I think in high school it's whatever; kids are still developing, sure, but at least they're nearing maturity. But I think we really need to do whatever it takes to get our elementary schools back in full gear for at least two big reasons: 1. Those are the years where it is extremely important to develop healthy social habits and begin to build your ego, from a psychological sense 2. By getting young kids back in school, their parents are able to work or do whatever else it is they need. In general, elementary school is definitely where the biggest impact could be made. Not quite up-to-date with how much little kids can spread the disease or its variants, but we should -as a society- do whatever we can to get those kids back together.
  10. One could also argue that remote learning has removed a lot of the stress of constantly having to get good grades, which has been beneficial to the mental health of many.
  11. Imo easily the biggest issue with remote learning is that it prevents children from learning crucial social skills like they would in-class. Sure, the course material is important too, but I'd argue that learning to interact with other people in a group setting is easily the "real" bread and butter of public schools.
  12. Be more careful with your words then. You were saying stuff about masks "spreading disease" long before this WHO article popped up. Smartass.
  13. Obviously dirty masks can cause acne and shit, but you could probably drag your mask through a sewer and it still wouldn't give you a respiratory illness
  14. The promising cells to my southwest totally shat the bed. Rip, the outflow wind was still fun
  15. First real storm of the year today?
  16. Look. Again, this isn't even directed against you. Although I don't agree with everything you say, you engage in civil discourse better than I have, and I respect that. But some of the goobers in here are really just frightening, like dta who has verbatim said that masks lead to *more* infections (and I don't think it was sarcasm).
  17. Yes, but only about four or five of us seem to have ever taken an entry-level biology class.
  18. The issue is that the same people who lurk because they "don't know much about the weather" somehow think that they are entitled to voice their opinions in here when they clearly know even less about virology.
  19. Miss me with your enlightened centrism.
  20. Honestly, you just have to look at who's on your side of the argument. If by some cosmic mistake, I'd be of the opposing viewpoint, and I saw that clowns like this are on my side, I'd probably just jump ship on the spot.
  21. Viruses don't "grow" on your masks, and the bacteria that *might* definitely will not cause diseases, at least not in the way you morons think they will
  22. What is wrong with you people seriously
  23. I just don't get it. What's so hard about this? It's never been about *you*, it's about the people you interact with. It's highly likely that I'd be worse off with the vaccine than with Covid but shit, I'd still get the vaccine because guess what? The vaccine hasn't killed anyone. It's literally that cut-and-dry.
  24. Just because a couple people could get away with not getting the vaccine for a while because everyone else is covering for their asses doesn't mean that they aren't idiots. It is entirely unnecessary for me to post anything to prove this, because even if someone missed it the first forty-eight times explanations were linked, it's literally common knowledge at this point in the Covid Crisis that vaccines DON'T WORK THAT WAY. People who wait are stupid, because they think their caution is logical, when in fact, there's literally no way that this vaccine will cause widespread issues in its recipients. You know, as we've seen for the past 2+ months. Idk what you guys are waiting for...
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