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North and West

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Posts posted by North and West

  1. True, but extreme heat has become more common while extreme cold has become less common.

    And remember, they tell people what they want to hear, and climate change sells. (Not debating or saying it isn’t happening, this is just Econ 101)

    People want to hear about rising crime, extreme heat, mega blizzards, unending floods, new diseases, you name it. It’s why we rubberneck.

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  2. Yep and you know what else we can do-- stop using pesticides.  We have the tech right now to use drones with onboard lasers to kill weeds without harming any other form of life at all.  They're already started to deploy them but it should be happening more quickly.

    I’ve seen those reels on instagram - it’s amazing, and there’s a lot of (no pun intended) downstream benefits to zapping weeds with light. Less runoff, fewer chemicals in the environment, etc.

    • Thanks 1
  3. But thats happening anyway and the resulting sea level rise will be horrific   I like the idea of creating a pump to constantly mix up the water, but the environmental issues (effect on sea life) that would cause probably wouldn't be good either.

    I truly believe that we have the technology and simple solutions to help mitigate a lot of things - halting deforestation, continuing reforestation and more tree planting, using existing clean energy technologies (nuclear) - it’s just a matter of do we actually want to? Some of these ideas are cheap compared to moonshot ideas.

    Sometimes people just like to spend other people’s money, for ego and glory and for others to say their moonshot worked.

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  4. It comes down to lawsuits.  That's the gist of it.   Friends and family in my generation always ask why school is dismissed or cancelled for seemingly benign weather events.  It's always about liability, and the general trend to be more cautious.   Not necessarily a bad thing, except for those who need to make last minute arrangements for childcare.  Times change.   It will be interesting to see whether the bullish forecasts by NWS verify.  They have the tools and expertise, so who am I to doubt them.  
    I respect the risk evaluation system they have created, similarly to that of the Coast Guard.  Human life is valued and more heavily weighted in these equations. 

  5. I hope everyone is at least enjoying a frigid week with some light snows. It feels cold and miserable and much more wintry than the past two years. My driveway and street aren’t melting well, I feel like I’ll fall on the ice, and it’s disgusting outside to look at. I can’t wait for spring.


    • Haha 1
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  6. Thought you guys might find this snippet interesting


    Edward Lorenz was a weatherman during World War II, tasked with forecasting cloud cover before American bombing raids in the Pacific. But meteorology in those days was largely guesswork and produced only crude predictions. After the war ended, Lorenz decided to try to unlock the secrets of the weather using more sophisticated methods and harnessing the nascent power of computing. He created a simplified, miniature world on his LGP-30 computer: Instead of the millions of different variables that affect weather systems in the real world, his model had just 12 variables.

    One day, Lorenz decided to rerun a simulation he’d done earlier. To save time, he decided to start midway through, plugging in the data points from the prior snapshot. He figured that so long as he set the variables at the same levels, the weather patterns would be repeated just as they were before: same conditions, same outcomes.

    But something strange happened instead. The weather in his rerun simulation was different in every way. After a lot of scowling over the data, Lorenz realized what had happened. His computer printouts had rounded data to three decimal places. If, for example, the exact wind speed was 3.506127 miles an hour, the printout displayed it as 3.506 miles an hour. When he plugged the slightly truncated values from the printouts back into the simulation, he was always off by a tiny amount (in this case, just 0.000127 miles an hour). These seemingly meaningless alterations—these tiny rounding errors—were producing major changes.

    That observation led Lorenz to a breakthrough discovery. Minuscule changes could make enormous differences: Raising the temperature one-millionth of a degree could morph the weather two months later from clear blue skies into a torrential downpour, even a hurricane. Lorenz’s findings were the origin of the “butterfly effect” concept—the notion that a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil could trigger a tornado in Texas—and, ultimately, of chaos theory. They also explain why meteorologists are still unable to forecast the weather beyond a short time frame with much accuracy; if any calculation is off by a tiny amount, the longer-term forecast will be useless.


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  7. Buffalo also had a deadly blizzard last year and many people died. Yea died. I’m ok with them pushing back the game one day. 

    Also, let’s be honest here:

    Our lives aren’t changing because they adjusted the time of a playoff game. People are safer because of it. Awesome.

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