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Posts posted by matt8204

  1. 3 minutes ago, weathermedic said:

    From OKX Twitter feed:

    Part of the concern with tonight/tomorrow's #snow is the timing. Short range models are signaling the potential for snowfall rates to exceed 1"/hour just as the morning commute gets underway. Treacherous roadway conditions are likely, especially early. If possible, avoid travel!


    Definitely staying put tomorrow...or if anything, I'll see how it is later in the morning and go in for a half day.

  2. 12 hours ago, DeltaT13 said:

    Agree the weather is a concern but thankfully the jets are a mentally blown out team by this point in another meaningless season. I don’t think they’ll have much fight left in them, especially on the road. 

    I would have to think so.  The Bucs game was their "Super Bowl".  I have to imagine they just want to get out of there for the offseason at this point.  

  3. Pretty icy this morning.  Be careful if you venture out before the temps rise.  I saw a couple of buses that got stuck and a bad-looking accident on a highway overpass near Route 46 in Little Falls.  

  4. 4 hours ago, wolfie09 said:

    So according to Ian rapoport Brown was battling an ankle injury and didn't feel like he was healthy enough to play but the coaching staff wanted him to go in..They basically gave him ultimatum get in or get out.. Once again according to reports..

    Yeah, I doubt we'll ever know exactly what happened.  One thing is for sure, Brown definitely needs help. He just isn't acting like a rational human being.  Playing football should probably be the last thing on his mind right now.  

    • Like 3
  5. 14 hours ago, wolfie09 said:

    Sad day in the football world:(


    I'm heartbroken.  It feels like another part of my youth is gone.  When he and Summerall came on the air, you knew you were about to watch a big game.  I also have fond memories of my mom always coming through to buy the new Madden video game for me every Christmas as a kid.  Also a great, great coach.  He has the highest winning percentage of any coach in NFL history who qualifies for the all-time list.  John's legacy will live on forever.  Rest easy, coach.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Syrmax said:

    So I just discovered the thread excerpts (bizarrely re-posted in OT) that caused at least one banning and presence of busybody Censorship to show up here.  As bad as the interwebs can be, not sure that I've ever seen a Moderator team so flagrantly and openly engage in personal insults and what could be reasonably described as hate speach, while censoring posts deemed against "the rules."  I do have to admire the flagrant hypocrisy on display.  *golf clap*

    These people have no self-awareness.  Engaging in the very behavior they claim to abhor so much.  It's truly a sight to behold.  

    • Like 5
  7. 21 minutes ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Sabres game tonight canceled due to covid. I had tickets wondering when they reschedule. 

    Sorry to hear.  Also heard that there are no games between US based teams and teams based in Canada until further notice.  The league is going to have its work cut out for it to rearrange the schedule...unless there comes a point where they can't play all 82 and have to settle for another shortened season.  If the league doesn't shut down for the Olympics, they might have an extra couple of weeks to play with where games can be made up.

  8. 3 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Fantasy playoffs start this week, going to be a crazy 3 weeks

    It's funny; the league I was in disbanded last year and didn't resume this season either.  Guys lost interest, no one wanted to be commish, didn't have time anymore with wives, kids, jobs etc.  I'm sure it's been crazy navigating this as a fantasy owner.  Have to be watching the waiver wire constantly in case you need someone to plug in.

  9. 1 hour ago, snowman19 said:

    It’s done, the Euro won, every model (GFS, NAM, RGEM, CMC, HRDPS, UKMET, ICON) has nothing now….

    Good.  My company is taking us out for our holiday lunch tomorrow.  Kick-a$$ Italian restaurant.  Don't want to miss out, especially after we didn't do anything last year because of COVID.  

    • Like 1
  10. On 12/4/2021 at 12:17 AM, BuffaloWeather said:

    Just had to say goodbye to my wifes parents dog today. I picked it out as a puppy when we were dating. The hardest thing in the world to do.

    Sorry man.  It's a terrible feeling.  I remember how distraught my uncle was when he put down his first dog.  I'd love to get one but the part where you have to say goodbye always scares me.  

  11. 1 hour ago, DeltaT13 said:

    So I've thought a lot about the vax and the potential side effects and I think a couple things are clear.  If a person had bad side effects from the vax, then covid itself was probably going to cause the exact same issues, if not worse.  The vax initiates virtually the same response as the virus, just in a controlled dose.  So if the guy that got blood clots and lost his sight didn't get vaxed, he might have gotten worse blood clots and died had he caught covid.  Therefore it wasn't necessarily the vax, its that persons body is particular vulnerable to this type of virus.

    Also, if you got the first 2 doses and had no issues, there is almost no reason to think that the booster would cause an issue, your body luckily didn't have that rare and unfortunate reaction to the virus or vaccine spike proteins.  Now when they change the formula for the next variant, that could changes things a bit, so if I were you, I'd grab the exact same brand booster before they change things up.  

    Interesting thoughts.  I was lucky; mild symptoms when I had Covid and when I got vaccinated.  Just had a sore arm after both doses and might have been a bit more tired than usual.  That's about it.  I got both doses on a Friday just in case but I wasn't down and out for the weekend.  I had the virus in April of '21 but didn't have a fever or cough.  No signs of compromised breathing either.  My biggest symptoms were a bad case of the chills and soreness in my legs.  Had a dizzy spell towards the end also but fortunately, it came and went pretty fast and I'm not even sure if that was related to Covid.  I did lose my sense of taste and smell but it bounced back quickly.  I was certainly a lot more fortunate than others.

  12. 1 hour ago, SouthBuffaloSteve said:

    So omicron is already here and circulating through the general population as suspected.  2nd confirmed US case today.  Fully vaxxed adult male who drove from Minnesota to a NYC anime convention Nov 19-21 (estimated 53,000 attendees at convention).  (Event required masking and proof of vax to enter)… Became sick after returning home from convention.  The news won’t shout out this next tidbit that he only had mild cold symptoms and was considered fully recovered before he was even diagnosed as having the omicron variant.  

    To quote the vaxxed and healthy but suddenly covid positive LeBron James…



    Wouldn't it stand to reason that it will eventually mutate into a weaker form like many other viruses?  We're almost two years into this.  The Spanish Flu largely burned out after two years and became a less severe strain of influenza.  

  13. 2 hours ago, bluewave said:

    Yeah, just goes to show how much warmer the models have corrected in recent days. The long range forecasts were about 30° colder. Somebody in NJ can make a run on 70° with enough sun. 
    New run


    Old run




    I'm in.  Snow or torch for me these days.  I can't take that bone dry cold lol.  Terrible for my skin which is on the dry side anyway.  Just makes you not want to go outside either.  The cold bothers me a little more every year as I get older.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    He didn't get the vax because his uncle got a bloodclot in his head right after his vaccine and is now blind in one eye, he was scared. He said it could be random, the doctors don't know what happened. But its too coincidental to be. 

    Guess there's no way to know for sure one way or the other.  Definitely curious timing though.  

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