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Posts posted by matt8204

  1. 1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    A friend from the gym has covid and its the worst sickness hes ever had. He is really in shape, does MMA as well. Hes unvaxxed, his girlfriend had Pfizer and didn't get sick. Really debating on getting the booster now. Staying away from the gym for few weeks. Going to run outside and do at home workouts. 

    I'll definitely get the booster when I'm eligible.  My faith in the vaccines has been shaken a bit but some protection is better than none at all or protection that is rapidly waning.  


    Someone at my gym was hacking and coughing like an SOB on Saturday morning.  Tried to stay as far away as possible while not breaking the continuity of my workout.  In my head I'm saying "Dude, you shouldn't be here".  I have a weight bench and some dumbbells in the event that gyms are shut down again or if I feel unsafe going.  

  2. 18 hours ago, Luke_Mages said:

    The craziest thing about this is that half the hospitalized are vaxd, which means this will literally never end.



    So what's the answer?  Are they doing research to make the vaccine more effective?  Is the booster now the thing that will tip the scales?  I got vaccinated and will take the booster when my time comes but I'm not feeling too great about it right now.  I hope to God we don't have shutdowns again like they're having in Germany and Austria.  We can't keep turning the light switch on and off.  It's terrible for society.  We just have to deal with this smartly, take the precautions and move on with our lives.  I feel awful for anyone who becomes seriously ill or dies but this clearly isn't going away, at least not right now.  I read about the Spanish Flu and during that pandemic, there will still flareups about two years after it began before things finally abated.  Might be a rough winter but hopefully things improve afterwards.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, nycwinter said:

    that is when a lot of people get away for the thanksgiving holiday they leave on tuesday not on wednesday

    Yeah, next week in general is often a hectic one.  Some folks take the entire week off (my mom always used to since she only had to use three vacation days) and you have kids coming home from college early in the week if they don't have a lot of classes.  

  4. 9 hours ago, LongBeachSurfFreak said:

    This has to be one of the most boring stretches of weather we have had. Once the wind picks up Friday leaves are going to fall like crazy here on the uws. 

    Doesn't sound like we're even getting much rain/t-storms on Friday now.  Some of the mets were hyping that up earlier in the week.

  5. 2 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Its all fixed. I blame the refs for the jags win 12 penalties come on now. 

    When the refs are as bad as they've been in some matchups, it's only natural that people start to wonder if these games are on the level.  That "taunting" penalty last night was an abomination, especially at such a critical juncture in the game.  The league needs to revisit the rule in the offseason.  

    • Like 3
  6. 19 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    I'll never understand the tracker thing. Every single person has a tracker on us all day long. If it was something else such as making people sterile it would make more sense. 


    19 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Life expectancy in United States dropped 2.3 years among men in 2020. 

    "U.S. men saw life expectancy fall by nearly 2.3 years, from about 76.7 to 74.4. Women lost more than 1.6 years of life expectancy, from about 81.8 to 80.2."

    Covid deaths, Overdoses, and an increased homicide rate to blame. 

    Our lifestyles in the US are generally terrible also.  Poor diets, lack of exercise, not enough sleep, overworked, etc.  Even before COVID, there was talk that this will be the first generation in our history that won't outlive their parents on average.

    • Like 2
  7. 6 hours ago, Flying MXZ said:

    With a bac of .161.  He better head to jail for a long time.

    Agreed.  Absolutely no excuse, especially for a guy making an NFL salary in the age of Uber.  I even read that NFL teams will provide transportation to club personnel to make sure they get home safely after a night of partying.  Make an example of him.  Frankly, DUI and reckless driving in general still isn't taken seriously enough in my opinion.

  8. Just now, Luke_Mages said:

    Hop aboard. My wife's a Giants fan. Can believe you guys drafted this guy second overall.

    Check Out First Image of Samuel L. Jackson as Mr. Glass in 'Glass'! -  Bloody Disgusting

    LMAO!  Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.  It's a mess at Met Life.  The kid is talented and seems like a great person but I didn't like the pick from the beginning.  Running backs burn out too quickly and the game isn't centered around the rushing attack the way it was 20-30 years ago.

    • Like 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, Luke_Mages said:

    Here's a real time example of what's coming...

    I design systems for the food and beverage industry. While everything is stainless the equipment to make everything you eat wears out much quicker than you think. I just had to buy a bunch of simple check valves for a project that are 10% higher year over year.

    That's completely unheard of.

    Stainless tubing is up almost 50%. Valves 5-10%. Tanks 20% Lead times are double because everyone's short on staff.

    This will affect all of your food and beverage prices, companies wont absorb this. Its already happening and will accelerate as the lag time of raw material pricing catches up. 

    ...but the White House press secretary thinks it's "absurd" for companies to raise prices when their costs go up.  Does she have the first clue of how economics works?  Higher expenses are always passed on down the line.  

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  10. 18 minutes ago, Luke_Mages said:

    Fixed :D

    I'd be curious to know if it wasn't such a hard sell if the vaccination rates would be higher. 

    If something has to be sold to me, or even worse forced on me, I typically don't buy it.

    What's arousing suspicion among the holdouts even more are the mandate exemptions for some groups.  For example, why don't postal workers need to take it?  I can understand the feelings of skeptics who say "If this is such a crisis and there is an urgent need for people to take this thing, why are certain people not mandated to do so?"  That just makes them dig their heels in further.

    • Like 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, TugHillMatt said:



    Hey, guys! Thanks for checking in. I appreciate it. She ended up getting a breathing treatment and a prescribed inhaler. She has had a consistent low-grade fever since last Monday. Still miserable. She's trying to get up and do the hourly walk/deep breathing and then she has to sit down because she gets light-headed and dizzy.

    I am so saddened for her. It looks like I got the 2nd Vax JUST in time and I think it's done it's job protecting me (even though I'm not technically "fully" vaxxed - 2 weeks- until this Friday.

    I was PISSED when she told me how the doctor talked to her. My wife is such a lady of grace, so she didn't say anything...but the doctor told her "You chose this, and this is the consequence of not being vaxxed." Now, my wife is NOT one of those rebellious individuals. As you all know, we had some concerns..and she was about to do it. The doctor was horrible to her and wasn't even going to help her. Walked out the door and said, "maybe you'll get an inhaler." The nurses must have talked with her because they did end up doing the breathing treatment (the nurses were super kind.)

    I DON'T CARE what choice an individual makes...you don't punish them for that choice when it's potentially a matter of life and death. Yes, there are natural consequences, but this shaming process TICKED me off. Lucky I couldn't go in there with her....

    My wife said, "She was an overstressed doctor during a pandemic..and she's probably dealt with many of those rebellious people..." That's the kind of graceful my wife is. I think my wife is understanding the consequences now...it's hard to watch her going through such a rough time.

    Doesn't it go against the oath that the doctor took to say that he/she won't help her?  Sounds like a pretty horrible bedside manner to have, especially when someone is so sick.  What good is a mean-spirited lecture going to do at that point?  I'll say a prayer for your wife.  Hang in there.  

    • Thanks 1
  12. 4 hours ago, lakeeffectkid383 said:

    RSV is going around bad. My entire family got it. My wife was basically asymptomatic I was only slightly sick, my son (2) and daughter (1) had a fairly bad “cold” but my 2 month old was hospitalized in the ICU for 10 days. While in the hospital with him we were talking to the nurses who said more than half the floor at the time we were there was full of RSV patients and it’s hitting kids of all ages WAY harder then Covid. Was very scary for him and glad that he pulled through but was a rough go for a while as he was on the highest amount of High Flow oxygen for 3 days and was nearly intubated. 

    My friend's 4-year old was in the hospital with RSV last week.  He's doing much better fortunately but it was a scary couple of days.  He had just started preschool also.  

    • Sad 1
  13. 14 hours ago, SouthBuffaloSteve said:

    On top of everything else approx. 2,000 medical workers at South Buffalo Mercy have planned to strike starting Friday over stalled contract negotiations.  These headlines are just crazy to read.  We are in the midst of a pandemic and we are firing doctors and nurses, I just don't get it.  2142341429_newsclips.png.65e2e8df0ab8fa5820809caf87109fe8.png      

    This just fuels skeptics.  If this is such a crisis, why would you be so quick to fire health care workers when there is already a shortage?  Also, why are some groups (the Postal Service, for example) exempt from these mandates?  This isn't a very good sell job for those on the fence or those who have their heels dug in about not taking it.  The inconsistency and contradictions only causes more doubt and cynicism.  I did get vaccinated but I can understand the feelings of those on the other side.  

  14. 36 minutes ago, Syrmax said:

    Yeah its interesting.  Doesn't explain everything going on but its a factor.  Both parties rely on certain shibboleths to hold their traditional base voters.   If you challenge those, the ideologue reacts as if you are challenging their religion or birthright.  Which it sort of is.

    Taibbi touches on one thing i've seen in my lifetime that's underappreciated...that the GOP base has been enlarged by middle/working class voters, in part due to dissatisfaction with the results of globalization...which was brought to us by the Meritocracy, for our own good of course.  People aren't stupid so they sense they're being screwed and react.  Hence, some of the reason that Bernie Bros and Trumpists share more than a little common ground on that issue.   

    The Dems used to position themselves, and still try to, as the working class party and also as champions of free-enterprise and social democracy goals (welfare state)... but they've lurched further left into neo-Marxist identity politics (anyone disagreeing is dumb/racist/misogynist etc).  I've heard this from acquaintances / bar conversations where anyone who doesn't agree with their version of events or ideals (usually Republicans) are dismissed as dumb and worthy of being discriminated against.  It's really quite appalling to hear come out of people's mouths.  I just sit and stare at them wondering if their past-lives were as Vernichtungslager or Siberian Gulag guards.  Not that most Dems are neo-Marxists mind you but they are forced to cater to it to appease their progressive base...not unlike how Rumpists are pushing the GOP further right with their conspiracy-addled thinking in conjunction with the social conservative base (see TX heartbeat law etc).  There's a grain of truth to both extremes but left to their own devices, either would be a horror show of governance.

    Excellent post.  It amazes me to observe how little self-awareness some people have.  They purport to be against discrimination, racism, prejudice, etc...but they have absolutely no qualms about lumping all people who dare to disagree with them into the exact same bucket.  Some even call for these folks to be exiled from society.  They're engaging in the very behavior that they claim to abhor.  

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  15. My cousin is getting married Friday in Spring Lake.  Fortunately it's an indoor wedding but I still feel bad seeing that it could be a lousy day weather-wise.  Any chance this potential rainfall shuts off by Thursday night or early Friday morning?

  16. 1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Will never happen.

    Good to hear.   I remember the rumors stirring when they began playing a game in Toronto every year.  Some speculated that they might relocate there. Even as a Giants fan, I've always had an affinity for the Bills.  I love the fan base and the blue collar image of Buffalo. I kind of adopted the Sabres as my second NHL team in the 90's also.  They reminded me of how the Devils played in those days.  It's got to be good for the city to have those teams, even if their on-field or on-ice performances disappoint.  

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