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Posts posted by matt8204

  1. 1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Bills need to get their act together. If they play like they did on Sunday, they could lose to Dolphins too. 

    Long season but you never want to get behind the 8 ball right out of the gate.  There is an extra game this year but things tend to get hairy if you start 0-2.  My Giants looked bad too.  Looks like another long year at Met Life.  

    I was shocked to see how badly the Packers lost.  Will be interesting to see how they respond, especially with Rodgers having a terrible game after missing offseason workouts.

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  2. 3 hours ago, winter_rules said:

    While healthcare is the most critical industry that is seeing this, this is also playing out for at least teaching, construction, and engineering in upstate NY.  Good replacements just don’t exist in these areas.  Our tiny rural school is basically hiring anyone with a warm body.  This is a huge swing of the pendulum from 13 years ago when it was very difficult to find an elementary teaching job.  My construction/engineering industry has been struggling for the past 15+ years to find people who want to work, not to mention know how to build anything.

    This will lead to wage growth, but it’s so widespread it’s going to lead to significant inflation, too. 

    Scary stuff.  In my most recent job, my boss essentially told me that I was hired by default.  He had the job posting online for 2-3 months and received maybe a handful of responses.  Those who applied aside from myself were either unqualified or canceled/no-showed the interview.  

    • Sad 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Luke_Mages said:

    I’ve never had an employer ask for my medical records as a condition of employment. I am vaccinated, but don’t think it’s fair to force someone to get vaccinated or pay for testing. Nothing to do with politics in that. My company is under 100 employees so we don’t have to deal with fallout but my wife’s company is preferring for how to operate with less staff, which makes no sense as she works in health care…

    Many health care facilities are already stretched thin.  The hospital my girlfriend works at is always short-staffed to begin with.  There are something like 20 openings just in the ER and the wait times there are horrendous.


    My boss said the same thing this morning.  Companies might reduce staff if they're right around the 100 employee threshold just so they don't have to deal with this.

  4. 46 minutes ago, wolfie09 said:

    Sorry to hear this.  Remember him well.  He spent some time with the Giants also.  Former linebacker Keith McCants also passed away this week.



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  5. 3 minutes ago, forkyfork said:

    all the abandoned cars i'm seeing means lots of people went out driving despite the warnings 

    You can't reason with some people.  I don't understand why you would even want to be out in such miserable conditions.  I left work and arrived home before things went downhill but if I had stayed late, I probably would have just sucked it up and stayed there for the night.  I always keep snacks in my desk and I could have just fooled around on the internet or my phone to pass the time.  Better than venturing into a storm after dark.

  6. 2 hours ago, doncat said:

    Hopefully this event will help with the affliction some have of "Premature bustaphobia" ... but unfortunately I doubt it.

    Have to let these events play out, especially given how volatile our weather has been around here lately.  It's just like sports; never celebrate victory until the clock hits 0:00 or the last out has been recorded.

  7. 20 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    Lee Goldberg just told people to shelter in place and don't go anywhere tonight.  They should shut down all roads and highways to make sure everyone stays home and we don't need to have any water rescues like we did last time.  No one should be allowed outside tonight period.


    Wow.  He's usually not that alarmist.  This thing must mean business.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    I also have a fear of needles. When I get blood work I have to lay down all the way back in the big blue chair. One time I got blood work sitting down in a chair and passed out and hit my head on the floor.

    The nurse when I got my 2nd shot diagnosed my condition as her husband and son had the same thing. I forgot the exact verbiage as I never heard it before. But I get dizzy at the sight of a needle and when its in me I pass out 50-60% of the time. So getting the vaccine was a pretty big ordeal for me as well. 

    I looked it up and its a vasovagal reaction. 

    Wow.  Sounds similar to me.  I get very light-headed.  Sometimes it's even a delayed reaction.  I go through the actual taking of the blood relatively fine...then it hits me a few minutes later.  I've found that drinking a lot of water before my appointment helps me for some reason.  I usually need to give a urine sample along with the blood work anyway, so it works out.

    Looking back, I actually feel bad for the nurses who had to deal with me as a kid.  I was downright petrified of having my blood taken and gave them such a hard time.  I think I even ran out of the office once in sheer terror.  I got better as I got older but it's never been easy for me.  I get in my own head about it the night before and usually don't sleep well as a resut.:rolleyes:

  9. 1 hour ago, uncle W said:

    meh...even the years with record lows the end of August ahd a warm up close to 90 in September...1986 comes to mind...it had one of the coolest endings to August and one of the warmest endings to September...

    Heck, I remember a Giants/Jets game in October of 2007 where it was about 85 degrees at kickoff.  I think it nearly hit 90 on Columbus Day the following year as well.

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  10. 12 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    A friend I used to work with just posted this to his facebook...She was around 40 and not overweight. This Delta variant is no joke...

    The last 3 weeks my wife has been in the ICU with Covid pneumonia. Alot of changes to come for all those she has impacted during her time here on Earth. I will be coming home within the next month. I am eternally grateful that she took my last name and made me a part of her life.

    What a tragedy.  My mom was in the hospital with it for five days in April because her oxygen levels were dipping.  She was told that she also developed pneumonia.  So grateful that she came out of it.  She's still dealing with fatigue and some hair loss but she's alive.  That's all I can ask for.  Two of her coworkers died of it.  

    • Sad 3
  11. 1 minute ago, nycwinter said:

    .i don't think a bailout of state and city budgets is going to happen..

    Maybe this is what has to happen in order for a necessary reckoning to take place. Bailouts often serve to just kick the can down the road even further. 

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  12. 1 minute ago, uncle W said:

    whats your list...everything is based on the economy...

    Bingo. DeBlasio just said NYC might have to cut at least 22,000 jobs. How is that good for anyone? As I alluded to last night, this is also going to impact essential public services. Health is important and we need to find the right balance but you don’t have a society without a functioning economy.

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