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Posts posted by Geoboy645

  1. 17 minutes ago, hlcater said:

    Thinking the SSW will muddy predictions for MLK/Val/Presidents' day, but effects should wane by early march. My in-development BS rule has had a good handle on this winter thus far and the waning effects of the SSW should allow a return to the expected progression by the time March rolls in. This is pretty iffy so far, but I drew a rough surface map of what we could expect for the St. Patrick's day period if my model is correct.


    Ehh I don't know. Doesn't have random crapvection in Missouri and Kentucky to stop incoming moisture.

  2. Yeah I think 4-5" is a good final call here. This storm will be a longer one though, it's starting now and won't really get done until sometime tomorrow afternoon. Sometimes though those are the best storms. The snow should last a few days at least, as it looks like we will be in the upper 20's until the middle of next week.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, CheeselandSkies said:

    The sad thing is, 4-6 degrees above normal in Wisconsin in December isn't exactly warm, so when the inevitable flip to BN occurs right around the spring equinox, it effectively keeps us at roughly the same temperature (highs 35-45, lows 25-35) for about 5 months straight.  :axe:

    Don't you love our new winter of January 15th to April 15th?

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  4. 14 hours ago, StormfanaticInd said:

    Has anyone been paying attention to Joe Bastardi's tweets. Really shocked at his stance on this pandemic being that he is from the scientific community 


    Joe Bastardi and Scientific Community really don't belong in the same sentence.

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  5. Whatever happens with next week's storm, it looks like the airmass after it will be our first real wintry aimrass of the season, not counting whatever the heck happened the week before halloween. It'll be nice to get in a much more active pattern, the last few months have been pretty boring outside of the Election day warmth, the mid-october cold snap, and the tropics.

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