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Posts posted by Geoboy645

  1. You know what's another really horrifying fact. That our death toll is now basically equal with Madison's total population. That means we have lost an amount of people equivalent to the entire city of Madison in all of 8 months. Holy s*** that is a lot of people just gone now. And that is not even talking about excess deaths and the people affected by all of these deaths.

    Edit: Or for all of you don't know how truly big that is. That is equivalent in Ohio to 92% of Toledo just being gone. Or in Illinois it would be the new 2nd largest city in the state. Or in Indiana it would be 93% of Fort Wayne. It would be the new largest city in Iowa. You get the picture. It's an unimaginably large number that is just going to get higher quicker unless we do something.

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  2. 16 minutes ago, StormfanaticInd said:

    Ended with over 192k on worldometers and 2065 deaths

    To put it in horrifying perspective, today alone would be the 8th deadliest disaster in U.S history pre-pandemic. This is why we need to shutdown again, cause otherwise in a month this will be considered a low day. God we are so so so f***ed.

    • Sad 3
  3. Just now, mississaugasnow said:

    I can't wait to post that I got an 18" storm when the airport and others around me say only 6" fell. Not my problem I measured in a drift and since we've all given up on facts it would be a fact that my measurement is correct. But please don't ask me to go measure the bare ground beside the snow drift, that's fake news. 

    This right here.

  4. Just now, BuffaloWeather said:

    Going to get bumpy here in a few hours


    Yeah its not everyday you see 25+ ft waves on Lake Erie. The Upper Lakes sure, but Lake Erie? And what's even crazier is that at least part of the shore will be expirincing them too, unlike Lake Superior where they tend to stay out in the lake itself. At least the lake levels aren't quite as high as they were a year ago, still going to cause a ton of damage though. Also a huge difference of water height too, as Buffalo will be over 7.5ft above lake datum while Toledo will be over 7.5ft below lake datum. A classic Witch of November.

    • Like 2
  5. Meanwhile while we are all arguing in the covid thread, has anyone noticed that we could get some serious winds with this next storm on Sunday?

    Edit: and some serious waves too. NWS has up to 21(!) feet on Lake Superior later on Sunday. This is going to be a classic November Great Lakes storm.

    • Like 4
  6. 14 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    Interesting to compare the hospitalizations and deaths over time.  Back in spring, we were getting 2k plus death days.  The summer surge, despite roughly the same number of hospitalizations at peak, resulted in significantly less deaths.  

    If you just view it as deaths per hospitalized patients (not saying this is perfect), it appears like we are doing worse than summer but better than spring.  This makes sense in a way, as the virus has penetrated all over the country which means it has gotten into areas that may not be as well equipped.  Also, a lot was learned between spring and summer, but I'm not sure how much more has been learned from summer to fall.



    I will note that France and some of the other European countries are now starting to get hit bad with deaths. Considering they went truly insane about 2 weeks before we did I could see us unfortunately start to do the same thing here in a week or two.

    • Weenie 1
  7. Just now, nwohweather said:

    Haha I mean Charleston actually is. I’m unsure if you have ever visited but it’s routinely ranked as one of the top vacation spots in the country.

    I highly recommend a visit sometime. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed living here. Incredibly scenic and steeped in history. Plus very temperate weather. 652ca28194ebdc26f624bc06908d7b18.jpg

    If South Carolina is so great, then why the hell are you in the Great Lakes forum? Doesn't the Southeastern forum have a COVID thread?

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  8. 32 minutes ago, madwx said:

    Wisconsin up to about 30 deaths per 100,000 from Covid.  Still only about 40% of South Carolina's death rate of 74 per 100,000.  Still a long ways from having as bad of an outbreak.

    But I thought South Carolina was this great place where everything was completely normal and there is no war in Ba Sing Se  no Covid in South Carolina.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Stebo said:

    Someone post where not wearing a mask helps stop the spread. Otherwise shut up about antimasking being alright or acceptable in any capacity.

    But you see they got to keep incessantly saying it over and over again so that maybe doing that makes it true. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Hoosier said:

    Obviously population and amount of testing have to be considered, but still, no country in the world has recorded 100,000 cases in a day.  India has had some days over 90k.  

    Friday November 6 may be a good candidate for the US to have 100k, but regardless, it appears to be an inevitable occurrence rather soon at this point.

    Honestly I would put it as early as late next week. We just recorded 82,000+ new cases on a Saturday. I got a feeling this country is about to some serious New York or Italy level crap all over in the next few weeks.

  11. 49 minutes ago, nwohweather said:

    Interesting to see the numbers spike in the Midwest while Southern states are at their lowest numbers since May. It's clear the strict lockdowns that Northern states imposed has led to serious fatigue within the populace. On phone calls with friends, family and co-workers there just seems to be a level of exhaustion at how things have gone up there with this. Meanwhile I'd say things are better than they have been in a while for the Carolinas. Tourism has simmered down and people are doing a good job of wearing masks in public. 

    I would say its more the fact that people never really followed lockdowns at all outside of like April and that fact has now massively screwed us over. Also doesnt help when your governonr can't do anything without the legislature and the tavern league killing it in court.

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  12. Just now, CheeselandSkies said:

    I'd take the constant storminess over the extended arctic air and modest-to-moderate snowstorms. '13-'14 got to be brutal and my power bills were astronomical in my electric-heated apartment.

    Same here. I honestly don't remember 13-14 to be that extraordinary outside of the constant cold around here. We didn't get nearly the same snow amounts as pretty much the rest of the Midwest did. 07-08 on the other hand, well it's 07-08. It's our snowiest winter by over 30". Even up here by Green Bay it is one of the snowier winters up here with like 80". What is crazy about that winter is it was all pretty much nickel and dimes. We really only had one big storm in 2/6/08. The rest of the winter it was just constant 3-5 inchers with some 6-8's spread in there too.

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  13. 1 hour ago, StormfanaticInd said:

    I've noticed a couple states not reporting like (Wisconsin and Michigan) and yet the numbers are still high for a weekend. Not a good sign heading into this week


    Yeah Wisconsin has had site maintenance all weekend long. Should be back to reporting tmrw I think.

    • Like 1
  14. I don't come in this thread very much, but holy crap Wisconsin is doing absolutely terrible. Our state positivity rate is 26.5%!!! right now. We have had over 3k new cases a day for the last week and I wouldn't be surprised if we break 4k or 5k new cases a day next week the way we are going. Some counties in this state have over a 50% positivity rate right now. Nowhere is safe either, as rural counties are getting as slammed as the urban counties are. Areas as rural as Mountain or Stratford are over 100 confirmed cases in their census tracts. Our deaths are starting to go up too. We just had 19 reported today and had over 30 at one point last week. And yet life is still totally normal here. Not a lot of masks or social distancing. Everytime our governor tries to do something, it gets shot down in court. Our Grade A legislature hasn't met in 140 (!) Days. Also we got a Trump rally in Rock County tomorrow, where 1 in every 138 people have COVID rn. That event is going to be the mother of all superspreaders. And we aren't even close to the peak of this yet. 

    • Sad 2
  15. 8 hours ago, michsnowfreak said:

     Do you know what kind of trees you have nearby? There are some species of trees which do seem to be on the less impressive side no matter what, but when everything is mixed in together it's a great color show.

    I think a lot of Oaks and Elms? I am not entirely sure.

  16. 8 hours ago, michsnowfreak said:

     We've had a lot of vibrant color years for the most part but last year was quite dull but with an explosive but brief nice finale.

    Around where I normally live it always seems like that the colors are dull. Even when the rest of the area has pretty vibrant colors. I don't know if it's just the trees around me or what.

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