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Everything posted by Cobalt

  1. Seems like it, yeah. Less time for cold air to escape Also, Euro tries to throw us into action when the ULL swings in. Tries to changeover far NW areas
  2. Euro ends up being several hours faster than 0z run
  3. Same with me. Couldn't have really asked for a better outcome on the first guess. Big congrats to @2010 extreme
  4. hah, some support for some first flakes coming out of that day 6 system from the GEFS one member skews the mean but a couple show at least some flakes. Of course, higher chance NW of the city as usual
  5. Yeah, and I'm making sure I don't do that.. by revising it right now BWI: 28.4" IAD: 35.2" DCA: 20.4" RIC: 14.4" Tiebreaker - SBY: 8.8"
  6. BWI: 0.1" DCA: 0.1" IAD: 0.1" RIC: 0.1" Tiebreaker - SBY: 0.1" sometimes you gotta play a little dirty...
  7. Last year's summer was above average in precip
  8. BWI: 29.4" DCA: 19.6" IAD: 27.3" RIC: 14.8" Tiebreaker (SBY): 10.4"
  9. Redskins blew plenty of opportunities. Glad they won, but that was such a close call.
  10. I mean, October 2009 was a cold month and had a mid October snowstorm in central Pennsylvania. The month ended up being the 3rd coldest for the country as well But of course, instances such as 1979 and of course 2011 show up, so it may just be the Bermuda Triangle of months for us folks. Many instances of both good and bad winters following, but we just focus on the bad ones
  11. So.. Who's gonna be the first to create the first Mid-Long Range disco?
  12. DCA: 11/12 BWI: 10/26 IAD: 10/26 RIC: 11/12 Tiebreaker: 4.9"
  13. CFS is hopefully off its rocker
  14. Snow cover in the NH seems to be getting off to a good start
  15. Would probably end up being a jebswim if those rainfall totals are even close to correct
  16. Absolutely raining buckets right now. Loud thunder
  17. House just shook to an insane level from a strike of lightning + thunder. Felt like an earthquake for a second.
  18. Same for me. Always loved football for as long as I can remember
  19. Looks like it triggered a well timed FFW
  20. Tons of lightning + thunder. Scared our oldest dog who is slowly losing is hearing (he's only really been scared by thunder 1 other time since he was 7 or 8. He's 13 now)
  21. 14/6/2 May: 1/0/0 June: 1/0/0 July: 2/1/0 August: 4/2/1 September: 3/2/1 October: 2/1/0 Nov: 1/0/0
  22. Huge patch of water at least the length of one lane spotted on Old Dominion drive .
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