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Posts posted by the_other_guy

  1. Drought conditions?

    If you go through a real drought here: when they shut off fountains, when firework displays are stopped, when lawn watering is rationed or stopped, when a Pope lands and it starts raining and he starts sprinkling his hands with glee...


    You would never call a month of somewhat dry weather drought conditions.

    Droughts like 1995 will come again. Then you will see how extreme drought conditions are

    • Like 3
  2. 83F here.

    Two notes...I wanted to compare with others

    1. Since the dryness started, as anyone else noticed the surge in mosquito activity? I am getting bitten in my garage!

    2. I was in city last night. 78F at 10pm. Bronx 75F. As soon as we got to the entrance to Van Cortland Park 73F. Exit of Van Cortland Park 63F. 63F at home.

    The Urban Heat Island is really very strong. It is scary how strong it is. The city no longer cools down at night. What are the long term effects of this? It cant be good!

  3. Now it is animals grazing. The latest reason. 

    That is the least of our problems.

    Humanity needs to fundamentally switch transportation modes and stop emitting fossil fuels.

    That can easily be done with electric cars. 

    Planes are a problem. And trucks. And machinery. And electrical generation and on and on.


    What has become apparent to me, is that none of this is going to happen . There will be incremental cuts to emissions that are reasonable with new technology. And these will be offset by population growth.

    Despite a looming threat, humanity will not suffer one day of convenience or comfort or necessity for the sake of cutting emissions.

    That is just the reality of humanity.


    If the earth explodes tomorrow, it isnt cow poop. It is the two SUVs in the garage, your year round HVAC system and YOUR carbon footprint.

    Enjoy a guilt-free burger on me tonight.


    And for the record, the Impossible Whopper tastes very much like a veggie burger. :)

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