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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. No but it's an argument that is increasingly being used (in various political circles too). I would say that two wrongs create an even greater and self perpetuating wrong. Whether we're talking about colonialism or climate change.
  2. In a way I feel like it's hardwired into nature. Think of it like this, for various reasons nature abhors domination by a single species or genus. Think of what happened in prior mass extinction events and what species went extinct. Like the dinosaurs for example. It really seems like there is a tipping point that gets triggered once a species becomes too dominant and nature has created this back channel to ensure its destruction when that happens. When you think of the planet as a living breathing superorganism that self-regulates, you can see why it would want to eliminate species that become so dominant that they completely take over the biome.
  3. This is why I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to see that we are ALL part of the environment, so whatever we do to it, we are actually doing that to ourselves. There is a price to pay for convenience, and we are now paying it. We're mortgaging our future for what we have right now.
  4. It really is an inflection point in history as you know well, John. Little differences can have major long term consequences. I'm wondering what kind of a world we'll be living in in 2050. Hopefully we are still around by then (I for one want to see that eclipse in 2045.) History seems to repeat itself even if we remember it-- this seems so much like the 60s.
  5. They're also airing commercials now to try and make plastics seem recyclable.
  6. I notice the media likes to marginalize climate change protests by talking about "young people at the protests" Today, on the Sunday talk shows they did a segment on Earth Day and what they said is that politicians don't believe that anyone besides the very young care about climate change. According to polling it ranked at the very bottom of issues that voters care about-- it was at around 2%. If it was framed as a healthcare and national security issue as it should be, maybe that would be different.
  7. Yep, I think we are headed here too. The billionaires are already lining up
  8. https://longisland.news12.com/2016-whistleblower-tip-warned-of-barrels-buried-at-old-grumman-property-in-bethpage Northrup Grumman being Northup Grumman-- yet another case of not doing the right thing when destroying the environment by helping to clean it up. At least 16 chemical drums were found underneath the old Northrop Grumman property in Bethpage Community Park. However, state officials were tipped off to buried drums nearly a decade ago, raising questions about why the drums are just now being discovered. The former ballfield area in the park used to be an old dumping ground for the Grumman property. It was also the center of a whistleblower report in 2016. A tipster said he remembered that large drums were discovered at the park in the early 1990’s during excavation work and subsequently reburied. He pointed officials to an area near the skate park and ballfield. “He thought upwards of 20 to 25 drums,” said Michael Boufis, superintendent of the Bethpage Water District. “It was outside the skate park, that’s where he remembers those drums being. Give or take 20 to 30 feet from where they are finding them now, so he was pretty close.” Team 12 Investigates obtained the results of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) investigation into that 2016 tip. The DEC deemed the tip unfounded.
  9. Don, the problem I have with scientists is why aren't they on the frontlines? Why is the burden on young people to go out and protest and boycott? Scientists should be walking out of their jobs and out in the streets protesting with them if they believe so strongly about climate change. Merely publishing papers isn't good enough anymore, if it's that much an emergency, they need to make sacrifices too. Maybe if enough scientists quit work the politicians would have to listen.
  10. WE should not be paying for the costs of climate change, the fossil fuel cartels should be FORCED to pay for them. 1) seize their assets and their property 2) revoke their rights to litigate 3) use their assets and property to pay for the costs of billion dollar disasters 4) make it loud and clear that their continued operation will be seen as a threat to society and put them out of business..... forever Being in a climate and health emergency and facing an existential threat such extreme measures aren't just needed they are necessary. The fossil fuel cartel should be treated as enemy combatants if they refuse to comply. Humans aren't so clever, look at how we seek instant gratification greed over healthy sustainable solutions (like processed food which causes cancer as well as pesticides and plastics which cause organ damage.)
  11. WE should not be paying for the costs of climate change, the fossil fuel cartels should be FORCED to pay for them. 1) seize their assets and their property 2) revoke their rights to litigate 3) use their assets and property to pay for the costs of billion dollar disasters 4) make it loud and clear that their continued operation will be seen as a threat to society and put them out of business..... forever Being in a climate and health emergency and facing an existential threat such extreme measures aren't just needed they are necessary. The fossil fuel cartel should be treated as enemy combatants if they refuse to comply.
  12. This proves right here that these corrupt cartels have clearly forfeit their rights and should be treated as terrorists and not allowed to have any part in the future.
  13. Chris, the fossil fuel cartels are not part of the solution, they need to be completely eliminated, utterly. They lie, have always lied and will always continue to lie. And their power to litigate needs to be taken away from them too (look at how Chevron harassed Donziger and paid a judge to put him under house arrest). Just like they used to lie about climate change not happening, now they lie about plastic recycling. These are bad faith actors, just like the tobacco cartels were and they need to be completely and utterly ended before we will see real change.
  14. This just intensifies the voices who plan to use aerosols to cap warming. This is going to be widespread starting around 2030.
  15. air pollution from fossil fuels is much worse than air pollution from aerosols. Soon we will be increasing aerosols to reel in climate change. Plans are already underway to increase aerosols.
  16. But it's about much more than just climate. It's a major health issue, asthma, cancer, systemic organ damage from plastics, etc. The long term health effects are far worse than a couple of degrees of warming.
  17. Chris, humanity is completely unsustainable in its current form. The world only works in its current form for the rich. The hard truth is the world as it is now needs to be completely and utterly destroyed to create a better system from its ashes. And I strongly believe that will happen-- whether we want it to or not. Either we do it, or Nature will do it for us.
  18. John, this is a really tough answer but it needs to be stated: You need to destroy the current system completely and utterly in order to build a better one and completely from scratch. That applies here.
  19. Natural gas isn't natural and isn't safe either, it's carcinogenic. We need to make it extremely difficult for the fossil fuel cartels to do business, including labeling them as terrorists and making life miserable for them-- including seizing their assets and properties. Look what they have been doing to Donzinger. We need to take away their rights to litigate too. Germany isn't a bastion of renewable energy-- I see they've been building more coal mines and removing nuclear as an option-- they are headed in the wrong direction.
  20. Reading this makes so angry. We should be treating the fossil fuel cartels like terrorists and create a war on fossil fuels. Associated articles about how dirty they fight so we need to fight dirty too. https://www.makechevroncleanup.com/press-releases/2019/6/20/judge-kaplan-ordered-the-seizure-of-his-passport-computer-and-cell-human-rights-defender-steven-donziger-refused-to-turn-them-over-here-is-his-explanation https://theintercept.com/2020/01/29/chevron-ecuador-lawsuit-steven-donziger/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-03-05/chevrons-rico-victory-provides-a-model-for-other-companies?sref=fqqmZ8gi https://www.wsj.com/articles/litigation-without-end-chevron-battles-on-in-28-year-old-ecuador-lawsuit-11619975500 https://www.vice.com/en/article/neye7z/chevrons-star-witness-admits-to-lying-in-the-amazon-pollution-case https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/28/chevron-lawyer-steven-donziger-ecuador-house-arrest https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/08/chevron-amazon-ecuador-steven-donziger-erin-brockovich other companies in other cartels also fight dirty https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/20/business/chemours-dupont-pfas-genx-chemicals.html Monsanto/Bayer losing lawsuits is a bright spot in all this https://www.resilience.org/stories/2018-12-02/bayer-suffering-buyers-remorse-for-monsanto-acquisition/
  22. That was an extension of the March pattern. I wonder taken collectively if it was one of our wettest 5-6 weeks periods ever.
  23. Funny thing about 2007-- the first three weeks of January were warmer than the first three weeks of April lol
  24. where did this storm sneak in from? earlier forecasts had today as sunny
  25. I can't wait until it hits 100. or actually any sun at all, like we will have all week.
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