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the ghost of leroy

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Everything posted by the ghost of leroy

  1. Your backwards percentage signs and MS paint skills are top notch. You sure you don’t deserve an orange tag?
  2. in about 9 seconds someone is going to post about hurricane isabel now that that HWRF post was made.
  3. Diana 1984 looped and hollowed itself out...cat 4 down to kinda crappy cat 2 before landfall. #garbagehistory
  4. let's talk about whose posts are untrustworthy, wishcast for 12 inches of rain in new england, and confidently declare that bath water means 150 kts into wilmington ITT that way the main thread can stay pure.
  5. i always forget about this thread and then have to binge on it upon rediscovery...great photo
  6. I’m in hays now just chilling. Its my birthday and I have my gear with me and will probably just camp around here tonight and then position for tomorrow around DDC. Keeping it low key and lazy. I could go to CO and maybe chase whatever forms today but don’t really feel like it. This hammock life is too clutch rn.
  7. that's that fire ass year 2002 web monetization strategy
  8. they worked years ago before the staff squandered good will with the member base and became complacent
  9. do we have any proof exonerating wintrymix's son? he could be the hacker.
  10. thanks wow. have a rum and cola on us after this.
  11. i just want something fatty and high contrast. the 3 tornadoes i saw this year were underwhelming af compared to 2016.
  12. Getting blacklisted by google would really hurt amwx llc’s bottom line, right?
  13. Wow- I know I like to troll so this message is a little corrupted, but you really do have an obligation to shut off ads entirely until these virus laden Russian ads are fixed/while you “look into it”. There are people here who may be clicking them.
  14. My grandparents lived in Bay St Louis at the time. They evacuated at first towards my aunt in Tampa, then the hurricane turned so they went home, then it turned back and they said screw it and rode it out. I remember thumbing through an album that had their hurricane party pics in it. Total rager. That eye video is still amongst the best ever. Another thing I remember is this photo, which is one of the iconic hurricane pics of the 80's. I used to have a book with it on the cover.
  15. I looked around on the JMA site all afternoon and found a few places that had max winds around 30 m/s, which is about 70mph. Most of the places had hours of 20-25 m/s winds so it was a prolonged gale for sure. I doubt the highest winds were sampled but I bet this was a cat 1 at landfall. Himiwari 9 loop of landfall... http://col.st/ebQlF
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