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Everything posted by dWave

  1. Im at the Philly Marathon. Rain changed to mod to heavy mix to heavy wet snow. Back to light mix now.
  2. Yeah they were spreading the salt this morn. Salt storm warning. All it does is accelerate road damage and strach up some parked cars when they shoot the salt out the trucks. To be fair these "snow alerts" aren't nessasarly a bad thing but it shouldnt be made public. It should be an internal thing just to be aware in the case a weather event overachieves. When the media starts spreading it, it gets interrupted as an actual weather forecast.
  3. I noticed what you mentioned about those trees having a mass leaf drop as green leaves. The type of tree you mentioned seems to be especially sensitive to freezing temps. Many other trees still green didnt suddenly drop their leaves overnight. I remember last yr the same thing happened b/c I parked under one and my car was completely covered in green leaves.
  4. 32 here. First freeze. Growing season had a good run, was producing to the very end.
  5. Mine are still out there too. To my surprise they started growing again in mid Oct, even bearing a few new tomatoes. My neighbor took his out a while ago, but once I saw mine growing again I'm curious to see how it goes. I have peppers too but despite their tropical orgins they usually do well deep into fall. Coldest low of the season so far here, down to 40.
  6. ..clearing is pretty rapid, actually could call it partly to mostly sunny, 69 dew 68. But, soon as i say that clouds are returning just as fast.
  7. Seen some large trees down. Today is not very windy at all though. High wind warning was too late.
  8. Wind is howling now.. Brooklyn mesonet gusted to 51. Manhattan 55, Queens 58. Some very strong guests coming through now setting off dozens of car alarms.
  9. When it comes to snowfall, DC is turning into Atlanta. At the same time we have increasing snowfall. Theres a huge snow dichotomy along I 95 now over a relativetly short distance. I wonder if it's a semi permanent thing or if plummeting snowfall totals will eventually move up the coast here? Being in more favorable position for noreasters maybe saves us?
  10. Had to head out wayy too early for a sun morning, but I did see the moon, looked amazing. Also star filled sky looked extra bright. Sometimes you can see them in the city. Low of 53 here.
  11. Sun is out, like someone flipped a switch, nothing gradual about it. Mostly sunny 61.
  12. Water is way higher than normal around the Seaport and wall st pier 11, with some splash over. Dont pay attention and you might get wet sitting around South st
  13. Yeah, it's a beautiful day so far, brilliant sunshine in lower Manhattan, view from world trade is partly cloudy to mostly clear all around.
  14. Quickly went from a few breaks of sun to mostly sunny. I saw wildly varying forecasts this morning for today, from a repeat of yday all day cold and rain to sun and mid 60s.
  15. 40 degrees colder than yday now. Quite the shock to the system. Dreary low to mid 50s day.
  16. wow..DC and Baltimore both reached 98, easily setting Oct all time records there. Clouds from nearby t storms stopped the rapid rise here, wonder how hot it would of got.
  17. Got mostly cloudy for a min but sun is back and 94/71. amazing stuff.
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