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Everything posted by Stovepipe

  1. Not that it matters as I'm not expecting anything really here, but I saw Radarscope going pink and went out to see what's going on. We're getting graupel like flakes mixed with.. rain drops. Surface is 30 degrees, but maybe upper levels have warmed a tad.
  2. The band that has been sliding down between Oak Ridge and Clinton is on me. Coming down nicely, but small flakes. Ripping tinies as the kids say I guess. Edit: It's not a normal flake type. Almost looks like graupel on the ground.
  3. I like what I'm seeing from the JKL radar. 30 degrees now and slowing building back my novelty dusting!
  4. Seen it happen many times. Hoping you pull through for us again this year bro.
  5. Could someone with weatherbell post an ensemble chart or two when they are ready? Would very much appreciate it, thanks.
  6. Knox County would still have virtual school. For the 10 kids that would still have power.
  7. Mine will be out there after the initial video chat check in, if there is as much as a dusting, I won't be able to hold em back.
  8. Yeah forecasted high of 50 here, currently 42. Be interesting to see if we get lower than the predicted 34 tonight. I'm expecting Knox County to at least go with a 2 hour school delay tomorrow, if not just go virtual for the day.
  9. Love the old school AccuPro maps, thanks for sharing!
  10. I hope you don't have any plans to watch TV later tonight.
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