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About CaWx

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  1. I agree with a lot of what you are saying. AGW will not be a doomsday scenario like alarmist portray, however very significant changes will happen if we fail to reduce CO2 emissions to levels in the low 300ppm range. I think humans would be able to adapt to major warming, but I'm afraid many other species will not, which could cause major ecological issues. We shouldn't gamble with our relatively stable environment, 2-4 degrees C, could put extraordinary pressure on global food and fresh water supplies. If Greenland were to melt out, it would cause trillions of dollars to relocated massive amounts of people around the world further inland. Also you said we haven't seen massive changes to our atmospheric patterns, we might not have seen large changes yet, but if the arctic sea ice fully melts out, you will begin to see more extremes.
  2. Today I don't have time to respond in full so I will keep it short. The TSI difference between the Maunder Minimum and today's TSI is Mathematically NOT enough to explain most of the warming our climate has experienced since the industrial revolution, that is fact. Of course the sun matters in our climates temperatures, in not denying that, however the suns TSI output alone isn't enough to explain the warming. I recommend reading more about the physics of climate, radiative physics and black body constant. It doesn't matter how insignificant people think CO2 is by percentage wise, you have to look through the spectrum with OLR. Also please understand rate of change, say it with me rate of change. Do you understand how small 100 years on a geologic timescale is, and the current rate of warming relationship to past geologic warm periods?? I stick with math and physics, I don't care if people politicize it. http://www.atmos.washington.edu/~david/Donohoe_etal_pnas_2014.pdf
  3. Technically the Earth's tilt is the reason for the seasons. Yes our sun has a large effect on our jet stream, afterall it provides the uneven heating on our planet which causes the jet stream, however I suggest you read some papers from Jennifer Francis about climate change influencing the temperature gradients that cause the jet stream to weaken (because global temperature gradients are lessening), and like a weakened stream, slows down and meanders causing wavier and stagnant weather patterns. I can't understand why people put such a huge belief in the sun causing the climate change we are experience now. It has been proven the TSI hasn't increased enough to explain most of the warming we have seen since the industrial revolution. The sun's energy has been monitored for years now and it can't explain the warming trend. What has increased is the CO2 concentration in our atmosphere, which helps in keeping our atmosphere warmer than it otherwise would be. Another thing people can't comprehend is AGW is all about rate of change, the current rate of change in warming in geologic time is incredibly rapid. Yes the Earth's climate has been warmer in the past in it's history, yes these were caused by natural processes i.e. Milankovitch cycles and other forcings, but all of these different forcings work on much much slower time scales. What we are experiencing today is NOT normal, and not natural. I can't understand why people just can't accept scientific reality.
  4. Yes, it will really begin to mess with the jetstream. You think long extended patterns are extreme now, imagine what a rainy pattern for weeks will do. More cutoff lows and stationary fronts, along with more prolonged drought situations. A prolonged meandering jetstream will really start causing problems.
  5. As in boring? I'm super glad its been boring, extreme melting is very bad news for the future of our climate. Once the ice fully melts out during the summer, weirder things will start happening. The longer the ice can hold on until humans wake up and start massively reducing CO2, the better.
  6. Sometime between 2022-2028. I think around 2050, we will see ice free conditions from late July to end of September. The added heat from the open waters absorbing all that energy will really start causing weird weather.
  7. I wouldn't waste your energy on people who are unable to see the reality of the sea ice. There is no denying the ice thickness is considerably less now than then (which ultimately matters more than extent anyways). I don't understand how anyone can look at all this empirical data and willfully and woefully make statements to the contrary.
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