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Everything posted by NEOH

  1. The NAM is certainly an outlier but a general 1-3"+ west to east looks likely. Let's get a NW trend going.
  2. Solid snowpack for over a week now... although it has turned into a glacier for the most part. Despite a fairly poor pattern we've had a great start to December. We'll see what the rest of the month brings.
  3. Finally got power back last night. Definitely the heaviest snow we've had in some time... not lake effect fluff. Lots of compaction as the ground was warm prior to the snow.
  4. What a storm. No power with trees and branches down all over. Think we had anywhere from 18-20” of cement. Generators and chainsaws will be heard for a few days.
  5. Beautiful scenery out there this morning. Over 8" now as well. The trees are taking a beating though... Lots of branches coming down. Great way to start to December. The flake size has been rather small.
  6. 37 imby with rain and a few slushy flakes mixing in. The snow will be falling on really saturated ground.
  7. All of the 12z runs were awesome for northern ohio. Cautiously optimistic about this one.
  8. With borderline temps it will be tough to accumulate if you are that close to the lake but it should be cold enough for a few inches if the snowfall rates are high. Everyone should see a period of heavy snow. We will definitely benefit from elevation and distance from the lake out here. Looks like a significant snowfall south of the lakeshore.
  9. It takes a rare storm to produce any of those amounts in Ohio. This is a synoptic snowfall challenged location.
  10. Look forward to re-visiting these next Tuesday - 12z CMC and GFS.
  11. We've gone over it in this thread before but over 96% of individuals that have died from COVID had two or more pre-existing conditions. The interesting thing I heard from a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic is that obesity and hypertension seem to be the worst with COVID--- he indicated that smokers have better outcomes when dealing with COVID.
  12. Oh you're right. The Chinese government are wonderful, terrific people who have the best interest of the US in mind.
  13. Please tell everyone what is voodoo about the virus originating from the lab in Wuhan? Dude... you're off your rocker.
  14. If the lab is still open in Wuhan they are probably working on developing other awful viruses. Who knows, maybe COVID is just the tip of the Chinese biological weapon spear.
  15. Nice to see the snow this morning. Very scenic with the snow covering everything. Perhaps a couple of inches here but W PA to W NY should be the big winners.
  16. The WRF shows a band focused toward western geauga county. The rgem isn't bad as well. Wouldn't be surprised to pick-up a couple of inches.
  17. We have couple of acres that had mostly live ash trees when we moved in 7 years ago. The whole landscape has changed now. Only maple, elm and black locust remain now.
  18. The wind was crazy. Lots of power outages and trees down. I lost about 10 dead ash trees in my yard thanks to the emerald ash borer -- another great import from Asia .
  19. Its a contributor that you left out of your original post. Not trying to push the agenda you think I am. None of us are COVID experts by any means but it absolutely can be a reason.
  20. We are well within the 2 - 14 day window at this point. I believe the average incubation is around 5 days, and 97% of people show symptoms within 11 days.
  21. I certainly get it... any large gathering is not a good thing. Just making the point that we are seeing a significant spike and there is no question the celebrations played a role. Yet this is somehow perceived as bias? It must be a lot different in Michigan than in Ohio. Rarely, if ever, do I see anyone without a mask on. I'm just not seeing this careless attitude that is floated around this thread on a daily basis.
  22. What do you mean by results?
  23. I don't want to distract you from handing out buns across the entire forum... but the election celebrations were absolutely super spreaders -- https://www.marketwatch.com/story/were-those-biden-victory-celebrations-coronavirus-superspreader-events-health-experts-extremely-concerned-they-could-be-2020-11-09 Or is the recent spike merely a coincidence?
  24. Don't forget election celebrations (see Chicago for example).
  25. Definitely impressive. But Lake Erie is so shallow it just takes a couple of cold shots and the temp plummets. I have no problem with torching from now to 12/1. The warm weather has been great.
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