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Everything posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. I’m glad I’m missing this disaster.
  2. Yea, I’m just on the phone. I didn’t bring my laptop on vacation.
  3. Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges.
  4. What’s scooter going to get with his bazillion posts?
  5. Thank god I’m in ILM until Sunday and will miss this disaster. Spend the night in BAL and back in BOS on Monday when tolerable weather returns.
  6. Oh I can navigate NYC no problem.
  7. He’ll be peddling puddin pops before you know it
  8. I’m convinced the DC metro/northern Virginia has sone of the worst traffic in the US. I’ve driven around LA easier.
  9. I was on 495 west last Saturday afternoon. Was pretty bad. Took the Easy pass express lanes just past Dumfries. That helped. Spent the night just past the end of the express lanes. I should have taken 495 East/95 south and gone over the WW. Every time I go 495 west through Tysons Corner and McLean, I regret it.
  10. Pretty decent cell over Brimfield
  11. Speed limit on the mass pike is 80. At least on my speedometer at 6:30 am weekdays
  12. You won’t get an ulcer. And it takes months of over doses to do liver damage. Take the meds! You can rotate every 3 hours, which I assume you’re doing. You can do up to 4000 mg of acetaminophen a day and 3200 mg per day of ibuprofen. Divide each dose by 4. Take the meds. They aren’t addictive.
  13. I’ve decided to stop arguing or trying to change the minds of leftist millennials. It’s pointless and aggravating. Once you come to that realization, your blood pressure will be in a much better place.
  14. I think we’re going to do an Amtrak trip in 2-3 years through the Tetons, Yellowstone, Northern California. There’s a 14 day trip you can do where you start in Chicago and do some national park excursions. You spend a 3 overnights on the train and the other nights in a hotel. We took a train trip from Boston to San Antonio a couple summers ago to see some family, then flew back home. Pretty cool trip. 2 overnights on the train. We had a double sleep suite.
  15. Australia basically has a zero Covid policy. That’s not realistic. India’s numbers are way down. You think thats because of vaccinations and “public health measures” like masking? No. It’s what respiratory virus’ do. They burn for awhile, peak out, and fall.
  16. Just noise to try and scare/motivate more to get vaccinated. The “delta variant” is the latest scare tactic to motivate more vaccination. I saw something a couple days ago about a delta plus variant. SMH But I dont think even the most hard core blue state governors will put a mask mandate back on. People are going to have to get used to the fact that there will be hot spots around the country for the foreseeable future. Deaths are down and pretty flat. Hospitals are fine. Like I’ve said before, all this widespread testing needs to end. It’s just unnecessary at this point, IMO.
  17. Humans, starting with homo habilis, have been on earth for about 2 million years. Modern humans for about 200,000. The human immune system has fought off all manner of virus’. Sometimes with success, sometimes not. I suspect this little respiratory virus in the grand scheme of all of natural history is a small blip on the radar. If human survival depended on a vaccine for every little virus that we encountered, we would have been extinct a few eons ago. I think 99.999% of the unvaccinated world population that come into contact with the Wuhan laboratory flu will fare ok.
  18. People who have had the measles don't really need to get vaccinated for it. I had chicken pox when I was 4. Never had a vaccine. When I worked at the Brigham a few years ago, I needed to get a chicken pox titer. Through the roof.
  19. Australia is isolated with less people on an entire continent than New England and New York. At any rate, masking is over. It ain’t coming back. At least here. Smarter than all the other scientists ? Lol Read Fauci’s emails. Not really interested in continuing here. We’ll never agree. Let’s move on
  20. Like they worked so well in Europe too
  21. Good. It worked so well everywhere the last time.
  22. I don’t think anybody really gives a shyte anymore about COVID. It is what it is. It’s endemic in the population. It’ll eb and rise like any other respiratory virus. Lockdowns and masking are over. If people want a vaccine, it’s there. If they don’t get one and get sick and or die it’s on them. Some will get sick and or die that are vaxed. Life’s full of risks but life goes on. At this point all this testing is pretty useless.
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