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Everything posted by golfer07840

  1. The real question is, will we hit 70 before March 20th?
  2. I think of Summer 2018 and all that comes to mind is Rain, more rain and oh yeah.. Rain. I do recall very warm and dry in July, however. But it finished very wet and carried right into November.
  3. When was the last time we had a truly hot summer? Feels like it's been quite sometime. I know "hot" is relative, but if I had to guess, I'd say 2014?
  4. Yet, people are rooting for a slop fest on Sunday, which is just going to disappear in 2 days anyway with the warm up. So why bother?
  5. I'm pretty sure, here in NW NJ, we didn't get a tick above 30 all month. It was painfully cold.
  6. Not I. As a golfer, a cold April is just miserable.
  7. When you say "torch" are we talking 55 degrees? Or we talking 2012, 80 degrees around St. Patrick's Day torch?
  8. Forgive me for my pessimism, but I'll believe it when I see it.
  9. 0 sun here in NW NJ, had a big pouring rain with house shaking thunder around 12:30 am. More rain expected later today and 8 out of the next 10 days. Lovely
  10. Sunny days so far, have seemed very far and few between. And as someone who likes to be outside and despises cold weather, so far, the spring has been blah.
  11. It feels like you're a month early with this thread. However, the weather can turn quickly. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  12. My weather apps in the last 24 hours all dropped Sunday's highs by 10 degrees. I'm hoping they are wrong. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  13. That is downright depressing. * *Says the golfer whose season starts April 1st Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
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