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Everything posted by anotherman

  1. I don’t really understand and haven’t for years. They are always slow on the trigger even when it’s obvious they need to do something.
  2. Reminds me of March '93 satellite presentation.....
  3. There will not be sustained 70+ mph gusts. I hope.
  4. Yet no one knows about it. More people knew about the 2-4 inch snowfall days ahead of time.
  5. Definitely could be a problem. The entire Chiques Creek watershed has a history of major flooding.
  6. “And the snow turned into raaaaaain.” [emoji20]
  7. I’m in York and we got about 2 inches and then sleet and rain.
  8. Why are you here if you want warmth? Makes no sense.
  9. Was outside but came in because of the rain/sleet mix.
  10. I'm old enough to remember when had some credibility and integrity.
  11. The RGEM is stubborn. Probably going down with the ship.
  12. Hilarious that I woke up with a winter storm watch and all of the models seem to have pulled the rug out.
  13. Looks like we may have gotten NAM’d.
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