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Everything posted by anotherman

  1. I don't understand the people coming in here rooting for warmth. We haven't had (Chris Farley voice) JACK SQUAT the whole winter! I would agree to bring on spring if things looked marginal but this is probably our best shot all 'winter.'
  2. Beware the “ideas” of March. I guess that’s all they are right now. Hopefully they become Ides at some point.
  3. Hopefully we are saying another line from that movie soon when looking at models. "I have seen shit that'll turn you white!"
  4. Just had a squall move through with insane winds and heavy rain.
  5. - Put this winter out of its misery - Winter 2023-24 will be rockin’
  6. I’m pretty sure Rochester gets the most snow on average of any city over 100,000.
  7. This was years ago, but I bought one of those brick molders for making igloos/snow caves and I swear we've been skunked ever since.
  8. Agree - love this weather when it’s supposed to be happening - in April. Not to mention the effect these types of winters have on the overall ecosystem in Pennsylvania.
  9. He wouldn't have had a ringing endorsement on March 12, 1993.
  10. This is such a sad day, made even sadder by the lack of ANYTHING interesting on the horizon.
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