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Posts posted by tnweathernut

  1. 21 minutes ago, John1122 said:

    Both versions of the GFS are like that now. I suspect they are just flat wrong but maybe the 12z guidance will further illuminate things. 

    Definitely not saying this is a battle the v16 will ultimately win.  Euro’s resolution is still king.  Id probably put the v16’s chance of scoring the victory around 10-15%.  Or just above ........

    ”so you’re telling me there’s a chance” from Dumb and Dumber.

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  2. The 6z GFSv16 is still insistent on showing a snowstorm for the Tennessee Valley on Super Bowl Sunday. Battles between the Euro and GFS at day 3 almost always go to the Euro, but I did note the GFSv16 was scoring better at 500 than the Euro. Because of this, I don’t think we can simply dismiss it.

    Pretty fascinating short range battle here. I just hope the GFSv16 isn’t bringing a knife to a gunfight.


  3. 2 minutes ago, Bigbald said:

    Once and for all, it's tough being a snow weenie in the upper south

    There's no doubt about that.  lol  Always good to see new newer members posting on these boards.

    I will say this about it being tough..................... if we saw snow every day I don't think we'd appreciate it near as much when it happened.  I absolutely love snow, but have family from Minnesota/Wisconsin.  I remember several times in my youth, spending a couple of weeks there at a time in the winter (around Christmas).  After being elated the first week or so of having snow, fatigue started setting in wanting to see the grass again.  I think it was then I figured out the chase and realizing a snow storm as it was happening was the most special part.  Snow just laying on the ground (to me) got old pretty quick.  lol

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  4. 3 minutes ago, BullCityWx said:

    Imagine the damming showing up. It’s over frozen land. You’d push the damming to Birmingham. 

    Just checking on you, BullCityWx.......................  making sure you haven't passed out over that way.

    IMO, pattern recognition says snow on snow might be a possibility somewhere in the southeast.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Matthew70 said:

    So the temps being shown on forecast are conservative.  It also shows it’s a quick shot of really cold air then right back up to 50 and cold rains. Lol.  Gotta love it!  

    Follow the ensembles right now, not so much the OP runs.  I can tell you, in general.........  the 12z GEFS looks like a thing of beauty when looking for cold shots and a flow conducive for precip opportunity.  Just have to time one up.  We may get multiple chances.

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  6. Just now, fountainguy97 said:

    looks like another batch of moisture building in. 

    I think this afternoon it was supposed to fill in and find better snows in northeast TN.  Still probably have to get to tonight and hope we keep enough moisture around.  I think we will around Erwin to south JC (north and west of that it will be a toss up hoping for renegade snow showers breaking containment).  I am guessing roads will be a mess tomorrow morning for anyone with a hint of upslope to their area.


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