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Posts posted by alex

  1. Lol I posted on the other thread but same thing here, it was insane. I thought there was a moose because of the number of cars stopped outside my driveway, but they were just taking pictures of the hills around me. I don't think it gets this crowded even during the holidays here - at least you don't notice it as much because people don't just stop in random places. 

    2 hours ago, powderfreak said:

    Various foliage photos from the past few week...






    This one I was borrowing a UV filter from a friend...definitely noticed a difference in the vibrancy and saturation of the color with that on the lens but the focus seemed a bit less crisp in those shots used with the UV filter.



  2. Drove up the Kanc today on my way to Maine; amazing how quickly its changing. It also struck me how much of a West to East gradient there is... It seems like a stronger influence than elevation. Great color (and awful weather) around Bretton Woods and now even in lower area like Franconia and Littleton. Ok color in Franconia Notch (but I never find the notch to have great colors, tends to be yellowish), and then good color again on the Kanc but less and less as you head towards Albany, and almost nothing from Center Conway to Fryeburg. 

    Also starting to get those weather days when it's cloudy and drizzly all day here, and perfectly clear past the notch. Left Lincoln in full sunshine, then got into drizzle from Cannon to here 

  3. Drove up the Kanc today to check things out. Very busy so we didn't stop at the overlooks but here's a few pictures. I'd say about the same as Bretton Woods except for the lower elevations especially past Bear Notch. 






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  4. 2 hours ago, Lava Rock said:

    We're pretty disappointed being up here. Seems like we're at least one week or more too early last three or so years for peak foliage


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    It's definitely not there yet. Normally we'd be right around peak but I would think it needs another week or so. This is from today, looking at the Zealand valley from the top of West Mountain. The Zealand valley is generally know to be the first area in the Whites to change. At least so they say. :)


    Columbus Day is pretty early this year, it should work well up here, but I think people in Conway and the lower elevations in general won't be too happy. I'd say in general, disappointment is all relative to expectations. If you're going expecting peak and full color, you won't get that. If you enjoy seeing the first yellows and reds mixed in with the green foliage, you'll enjoy it. I have friends here who are loving it, and I actually prefer the early stages to peak. Something about the contrast between the greens. By peak everything is yellow and red and the  overall feel is amazing but different. 


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  5. 2 hours ago, dendrite said:

    A little color here too...mostly the normal early spots and relatively higher elevations. I'm surprised you have deciduous trees up there with the year round freezes. ;)

    LOL. It's not the arctic! I don't think we have anything beyond frost in July/August. So the trees just gotta hurry up lol

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