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Everything posted by canderson

  1. In fact, here is that Cantore thunder snow live shot. It's worth watching.
  2. Jim Cantore was at the capitol - broadcasting from the fountain. He was doing a live shot when a clap of thunder sounded and he, of course, went nuts. I remember that storm very well because my parents were here visiting and had never seen more than 2" of snow. IIRC Harrisburg proper had 5.5". That gradient across the river was really something.
  3. Isn't the problem here temps moderate quite a bit out ahead and since it can't usher in true arctic air it'll now allow so much of a concrete mess?
  4. Damn look at this nor'easter on the GFS. Holy smokes if it were January we might all faint.
  5. Honestly down here we've had an insane run the past 10 or so years and no one can really complain. Like, we had an 8.5" last March that was awesome fun.
  6. Prepare now for heartbreak and disappointment mixed in with "I've never seen it snow this hard" once a year.
  7. Lots of us might see some flakes mixed in overnight.
  8. Yup. Have a big outdoor Halloween party Oct. 27 - I think I'll be getting wasted in a snowstorm.
  9. We gonna freeze tomorrow night it looks like.
  10. Where are those posters going? Some threads here are now unreadable (hi, hurricane Michael) but I don’t know any viable alternatives.
  11. Got back from Texas around 2:30 a.m. Was in a black hole so haven't followed much of anything except UT football and the Red Sox. Good to see fall arrives tomorrow. And I just saw a massive hurricane is about to hit Florida. I had no idea. Wow.
  12. I did. Now in Austin for a few days. It’s 6:02 p.m. and OU still sucks!
  13. I’m in Dallas. It’s hot as summer here too still.
  14. We will go straight from 80 to 40 and miss autumn entirely. This year SUCKS.
  15. Anyone know where yesterday ranks for number of tornadoes in one day in PA? Seven is a ton for this state, especially in “autumn”.
  16. My wife just got home. I showed her the radar she drive through on 80 and she goes, “Those had nothing on storms I drive through in college in Austin.” lol
  17. My wife is at Clarion University and should be starting to head home around 4:30, driving back to Harrisburg. Keep her in your thoughts, she might be going through some wicked storms. :/
  18. OK fair point there ... I'm guessing we have a terrible foliage season too.
  19. Go wash your mouth out with soap RIGHT NOW.
  20. The first half of October is going to be like +10. F this.
  21. Franklin isn’t really a big game coach, he lacks that skill in Xs abd Os. Penn State should quit the White Out stuff, they have a losing record when they do that. It’s much ado about nothing.
  22. Thanks, Don. Do you have the data to post the top 10 wettest years on record for KMDT? 2011 was brutal because we had Lee and Irene back to back, plus a pretty good nor'easter that winter.
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